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Thread: What's a really good Mark II worth?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Near the bay, Northern Rivers NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Thumbs up good luck!

    Hey Rowan!
    Good Luck with the MKII! They are a great car and it is such a shame that many people dont appreciate them more.

    Some very good comments by people here.

    I bought my MKII 5 door back in 2002 and paid probably a little too much, but at the time, it was great value in my eyes.
    It had a good straight body ( that was before it went to a few shopping centres) and great low mileage.

    In 4 years I have spent very little money apart from the obvious tyres, oil changes etc , which to me has already meant that Ive got my value for money!

    What a great little car too!
    I was just reminded of that they other day with a full load cruising up the highway to Ettamogah on the weekend.

    Somewhere out there is someone who will appreciate your car and see its value.

    PS $9,500.00 is maybe a little high- but if you are not in a rush....

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Canberra, Australia
    Gotta say if I was ever going to spend that kind of money on a Mk1 or Mk2 GTI I'd want it to be a 3dr.

    Good luck with the sale though.

    MY10 S3 3dr

  3. #13
    gpk_gti Guest
    id say its got to do more with the economy being so flat and the second hand car market being totally seems that ppl cant sell their old cars and are giving them away just to get rid of for roughly that money you can get something more modern and really your markey is only the enthusiast.try bringing it down for the nationals and put a forsale sticker on it,,, might have more luck???

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    bradbury nsw
    these things were as dear as poison when new, more than brock and walkinshaw commodores thats why they only sold 200
    as far as a market for used golfs goes It is real small in oz and half of it is on this forum
    I also recall people paying 30 to 40 grand for 105 series alfa romeos and now the bottom has dropped out of them and theyre worth 5 to 10 g
    currently a few silly people are paying big dollars for 70s aussie muscle cars and I bet in ten years theyll be back to reality like why would you spend 180 grand on a gt falcon (v8 taxi) instead of buying 3x 911 turbos ?( or a new rs4)

    $6000 is top dollar for a mk 2 in my opinion (Im a tightass)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    That is a bloody great example but it's an underpowered aussie version who is gonna get enthused when 3 door 16v imports are knockin around?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Thread Starter

    I was going to just put a 16 valve engine it. I just wanted the tightest and neatest car to start with!

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