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Thread: Sticky Steering

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Adelaide, SA

    Question Sticky Steering

    hi all

    just recently my steering has become very stiff. it is particularly bad in reverse but also happens when driving. it doesn't happen all the time so i figured it was power steering fluid or a belt. well i replaced all the belts and the power steering fluid reads FULL. someone told me to leave the car idle and go full lock one way then full lock the other way then open the power steering fluid cap and let the air out? well this did nothing either!!! its dangerous aswell. sometimes down shifting to second to go round a corner the steering locks completely for a second or so.

    does anyone have any ideas what it could be?

    1991 mk2 golf gti
    1974 beetle 1600 s
    mk1 16V hybrid/bitzer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Nowra, NSW
    Sounds like it could be your power steering pump? have you checked out all your front end? could be something amiss in there.
    76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
    76 MkI 3 door swallowtail - 16v track car
    76 MkI 3 door "long term" project

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    byron bay area
    Yeh I reckon it sounds like the pump at this stage, unless the new belt for the pump is loose

    2nd hand pumps can be quite dodgy & cause a lot more problerms

    I know this as I have just gone through all of this

    Cheers Ian

  4. #4
    brackie Guest

    Testing the pump

    Power steering pumps are hard to test without specialised gear. The easiest (but probably the least reliable) way is to remove the belt and if it continues to behave in the same way the pump is the likely culprit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Adelaide, SA
    Thread Starter
    Quote Originally Posted by brackie View Post
    Power steering pumps are hard to test without specialised gear. The easiest (but probably the least reliable) way is to remove the belt and if it continues to behave in the same way the pump is the likely culprit.
    no need because it was playing up before i changed the belt and is still doing it now so it has to be the pump right?

    whats a new pump cost?
    1991 mk2 golf gti
    1974 beetle 1600 s
    mk1 16V hybrid/bitzer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    byron bay area


    I would the try the belt at different tensions first before geting a new pump

    GTI has them in stock for $265

    Cheers Ian

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Dandenong North, Vic
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    A new pump from the stealers would set you back about $500 when I last asked earlier this year.
    MK2 GTI G60


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