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Thread: Sourcing a MK2 project

  1. #1
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    Sourcing a MK2 project

    I've started the hunt for a MK2 project and was an enthusiast back in the 00's with a Tornado red MK2 with a loud exhaust/stereo that was regularly hung around corners on 3 wheels. I have no idea if i'd be able to track down my old car but will leave that for another day.

    Now 12 years down the track of living in the UK I'm homeward bound and considering what parts I should pick up locally and where on earth to find a straight mk2 back in Aus

    Any pointers would be appreciated as the internet isnt throwing up much. Yes I'm considering finding one here and bringing it back under the pre-89 rules but I'd need a completely rebuilt yet fairly original car which could command big ££ + the shipping costs

    Any pointers would be appreciated and looking forward to getting back into the scene

    Cheers, Tam

  2. #2
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    Check out the Australian Golf Mk2 Owners on Facebook. Most MK2's for sale come up there. Expect to pay $5k for one in reasonable condition but still needing some tidying up.

    The hardest parts to find here in Aus are good uncracked dashboards and the trim around the doors and windows. If you can fit an ABF motor in your luggage then find a way to do it. Rare as rocking horse sh*t here.



  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    Check out the Australian Golf Mk2 Owners on Facebook. Most MK2's for sale come up there. Expect to pay $5k for one in reasonable condition but still needing some tidying up.

    The hardest parts to find here in Aus are good uncracked dashboards and the trim around the doors and windows. If you can fit an ABF motor in your luggage then find a way to do it. Rare as rocking horse sh*t here.


    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the feedback - I was hoping there was a forum I hadnt discovered yet filled with mk2's for sale. An engine, dashboard and window rubbers arent an unreasonable request as i'll be shipping all my belongings back. Was already planning on wheels and suspension from this end

    I was originally thinking to swap with a newer VW motor but admit I am clueless on what australian laws will allow you to do and then drive on the road



  4. #4
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    There's a few running 1.8 20v turbo or VR6 motors (both legal with a bit of work) and these motors are cheap here. Lots of people want the 16v ABF motor which we don't have.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    There's a few running 1.8 20v turbo or VR6 motors (both legal with a bit of work) and these motors are cheap here. Lots of people want the 16v ABF motor which we don't have.
    Everyone is recommending the ABF motor but surely in australian terms this is just down to rarity? I would have thought the 20VT lump is surely superior? I'm checking with to shippers as to process for shipping a whole motor/gearbox setup and will consider this if it doesnt create any headaches

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tameth_au2 View Post
    I've started the hunt for a MK2 project and was an enthusiast back in the 00's with a Tornado red MK2 with a loud exhaust/stereo that was regularly hung around corners on 3 wheels. I have no idea if i'd be able to track down my old car but will leave that for another day.

    Now 12 years down the track of living in the UK I'm homeward bound and considering what parts I should pick up locally and where on earth to find a straight mk2 back in Aus

    Any pointers would be appreciated as the internet isnt throwing up much. Yes I'm considering finding one here and bringing it back under the pre-89 rules but I'd need a completely rebuilt yet fairly original car which could command big ££ + the shipping costs

    Any pointers would be appreciated and looking forward to getting back into the scene

    Cheers, Tam
    Hi did you find a suitable project vehicle?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by clearlight View Post
    Hi did you find a suitable project vehicle?
    Yes - I purchased a tornado red car through the facebook group and its turned out to be a bit more of a project that i set out on. A few more surprises than planned but its on its way to be turned into the car i want (for now). So far i'm keeping the 1.8 motor with a view to do a 1.8t swap eventually but i'm in no rush. Would even consider doing it on a 2nd car

    If anyone reading has a spare main fuel pump (under car) please get in touch. Mine is seized and poor little red car hasn't been on the road for too long as a result! Shipping from Uk taking forever

  8. #8
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    I've got one but I'm notoriously bad at working on my cars and getting things shipped.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    I've got one but I'm notoriously bad at working on my cars and getting things shipped.
    I think Alan put me in touch with you to ask about a few bits not too long ago? Anyhow heritage shipping is currently set for next friday and i've ordered 2 just in case there are any issues at all. Can't wait to go for a hopefully more successful drive that doesnt end in a tow home this time round!!

  10. #10
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    Congratulations on your purchase Tameth! Hope you get running again soon. How much was your Mk2 ?

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