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Thread: Shift linkage upgrade

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown

    Shift linkage upgrade

    I was doing some research trying to find an upgrade kit for my shift linkage, Found a nice looking one on TSR but they've closed down. And when trying to find a second hand one someone from the Club Gti forum put me onto this mob so I've ordered myself a kit. Am told they're very worthwhile on a mk1,2,3 with shift rods.

    mk2 GTi 16v
    Corrado G60

  2. #2

    I got one too...

    My missing-link kit is just waiting for the rest of the car to come home. Nicely made, it certainly looks the part.


    It's been a while...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    I fitted a dieselgeek repair kit to Robins mk2, that's pretty cool. Also, you can shorten the throw on mk1s and 2s by bending the bracket that is bolted to the gearbox.

    Basically reduce the distance between the ball at the bottom and the hole in the top of it.

    Dead easy to do with a vice and a lump hammer!!
    This is a better solution though, Shortening the gearbox linkage makes the shift notchier, due to the reduction in mechanicaladvantage. The ebay one while using longer levers actually gets the job done the same, without the notchy feel.

    Last edited by h100vw; 20-09-2006 at 09:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown
    Thread Starter
    The kit that I ordered has all that gear in it Gavin, and the bushes are all teflon.

    mk2 GTi 16v
    Corrado G60

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Melborune, VIC
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    I have the missing linkz short throw kit in my car. I've been running it for 2-3 years and it is pretty good. Feels fine and isn't that notchy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown
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    Well my kit arrived today, fun fun. Here's a pic or two, should be good when I fit it.

    mk2 GTi 16v
    Corrado G60

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    short shift

    Don't forget the short shift wears out syncro's faster as they have to work faster than they were designed for, but doesn't a short shift feel so much better!
    Widebody Cayman S Turbo, 83 ur Quattro
    2000 996 C4 cab,12 Scirocco R OEM+ STG2+
    72 914 (3.2S boxster pwr), 92 G60 Corrado
    76 Scirocco(TFSI and DSG) 2018 Tiguan,Eureka,81 924.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Melbourne - Greensborough
    My golf came with a short shift on it when i bought it, it was adjusted to the stock shift, i adjusted it to the shorter shift and i reckon it felt like S%&#, it was also alot stiffer and harder to shift. I dunno what brand it is but hope it's just a dodgy brand or something like that.
    MK4 GTI (KO4, GIAC)
    VW Kombi Ute 2ltr EFI
    Audi 90 20V Quattro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Prahran, Vic
    looks like its got a weighted shift rod aswell. i want to get one of those, anyone got a mk3 one lying around?

  10. #10

    Quote Originally Posted by aprr32
    Don't forget the short shift wears out syncro's faster as they have to work faster than they were designed for, but doesn't a short shift feel so much better!
    I'll agree with this but speaking from experience, I've had my short shift for 8+ years on 50% faster throw & the 2nd gear syncro(the most notorius one of all 020's) was crushing before I put the short shifter on & hasn't gotten any worse since.

    But from an engineering point of view your 100% right aprr32. Maybe my 020 has been kissed on the #@*^ be an angel.

    The short shifter's also feel 10 times better when they have a weighted shift rod too!

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