By the way- how much were the AP coilovers? Sorry if you've mentioned it already in the thread.
That does look good! Those wheels really suit mk2s.
By the way- how much were the AP coilovers? Sorry if you've mentioned it already in the thread.
07 GTI
APR stage II
From memory they set me back around $900 I think from Demon Tweaks in the UK.
07 GTI
APR stage II
The ride quality is pretty awesome for what I paid. A nice affordable coil over thats for sure. Also they are made by KW. I had them as low as they could go when I first put them in and even then they rode well although I have never had more than 3 people in my car!
Sadly this is going up for sale. i will post up a for sale as in the next few days. Definitely want it to go too a good home!
Sad to hear your selling. Replacing with another VW?
07 GTI
APR stage II