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Thread: Problems again =(

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Asaka-shi Saitama Japan (from Tassie)
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    lol. managed to get a new pump up here.
    like to put in a good word for "petroject / Auto service solutions"
    in Lindsay street invermay...thanks for the tip off Andrew
    just about to try and repair the mini tank thingamahjiggy....
    so hopefully the new filter and intank pump will fix the problem......

    all i need now is the little tank and the bottles of JW. (as far as i know)
    spent most of the night on

    and found a tonne of ppl with the same problem, and nearly all of them said it was the intank the testing gear ill have to take my chances..
    Cheers, Benny

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    If you are still having trouble finding the plastic tank, try I'm sure Nigel and Alan (the owners) will be able to send one over to you.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dubstar
    If you are still having trouble finding the plastic tank, try I'm sure Nigel and Alan (the owners) will be able to send one over to you.
    cheers Dubstar!
    if patched it up with a fuel proof epoxy for now and it seems to work really well...fixed all that up and put the new filter in and it seems to be fine now...didnt even have to use the new pump....(touch wood)
    so as far as i know it was the filter that was the problem...took it for a long drive tonight and got it hot, ran well, tuned it off every few klmz and it started straight away....
    cleaned both pumps up and cleaned all contacts..and noticably goes allot better now...
    so if you having trouble with fuel starvation replace the filter first n save $$ haha.
    ill see how it goes this week..hopefully ive fixed it..

    thanks for the help pplz......!!!
    Cheers, Benny

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    That sounds like good news Benny. Well done mate. Pain of a weekend for you, eh?
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtimk5
    That sounds like good news Benny. Well done mate. Pain of a weekend for you, eh?
    lol, yea, just hope that is all it was!
    got the intank pump while i was intown just incase..but its good to have spares anyway..
    wait n see how it goes through the week
    Cheers, Benny

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Asaka-shi Saitama Japan (from Tassie)
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    ok, seems that wasnt it
    started fine this morning, fine after work, then at servicestation was fine again, got home and let the temp come up a bit, turned it off and it took about 5 goes swinging off the keys for it to start...turned it off again, went in, got changed came out wouldnt go at all unless i flattned my foot to the floor...bit like it was flooding and needed some air.....let it cool down and started fine again...isnt surging anymore though....
    any ideas????? also most times when it didnt start the motor would kik back abit..but not every time..also seems to be using a bit more fuel ....cant get a good idea cause my MFA only works when it wants to..most days it says 12MPG others it says 32MPG or anywhere in between...
    Cheers, Benny

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Asaka-shi Saitama Japan (from Tassie)
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    update again...
    went for 3 mins after work..and now refuses to go at all....
    putiin intank pump in after work tomorrow
    Cheers, Benny

  8. #18
    Golfwise Guest
    Don't forget to disconnect the battery .

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Asaka-shi Saitama Japan (from Tassie)
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    yep, did that put it in..still doing the same thing, will start first up and run for about 2 mins then just die, also dies if u press the accelerator.
    no one in the north of the state has a clue whats going on :-S .....
    not naming names but a specialist up here tried to tell me they only have 1 pump in the golf..... Id rater someone work on it who actually knows a bit!!!!
    anyone know of any one in the Launnie area who actually knows a bit about Kjetronic???
    if i cant find anyone i may have to trailer it down south
    I dont mind eliminating things by buying new stuff..atleast i know i've got all new parts but what should i start

    im going mad driving the zooki to work evry day!!!!! haha
    Cheers, Benny

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth. WA

    Benny, did you manage to get the fuel system pressures checked ??

    Cant for the life of me remember if you have a manual with the Kjet fuel charts in or not..
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


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