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Thread: PAS Cooling Pipe

  1. #1
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    PAS Cooling Pipe

    Anyone know how important a power steering cooling pipe is in a MK2 ? Not all MK2 GTi's have them apart from Rallye, G60's and diesels ? Some one said in another forum its more of a heater than a cooler

  2. #2
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    I doubt you need it. No mk3s or SEATs have em.
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  3. #3
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    According to ETKA all MK3's have them but a differnt shape pipe

  4. #4
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    Both my Golf G60 and the Passat Syncro had a pipe like that. Maybe the PS fluid gets too hot and thins out? I'd fit it if you can, If nothing else it will increase the capacity of the PS system which would help with temps.

  5. #5
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    I wanted to fit it but cant see any supports for it The stupid pipe cost me $250 and a c#$% to try and fit in front of the front mount. Reason I took this path was to move the power steering container out of the way for the 02A trans and achieve an OEM look.

  6. #6
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    I am pretty sure that it just had some 10mm headed self tapping bolts into the subframe to hold it in place. Nothing fancy. I can't think if I have seen a picture anywhere to show the mounting.

  7. #7
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    Gavin, can you confirm these mounting points for the cooling pipe if you remember ? I'm not really happy with the fitment as its close to the bar above and may rub under vibrations. Don't know why they have provided attachment's to the new pipe ? Did the old style pipe have just a seperate bracket and rubber bush to attach the pipe?

  8. #8
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    TBH I cannot remember, it is 3 years nearly since the Golf went and a year since the Passat got sold.
    I'll try emailing my mate who bought the Passat and see if he can do a picture of the pipe in situ for us.

    Does the G60 have a different part number for the subframe compared to the other models, maybe the mounts are fitted in the G60 one at manufacture?

    Will email Zak now.


    Looking at the pictures more closely, I think you should drill the subframe and fit the pipe with some 10mm self tappers like I mentioned earlier. Wing bolts are the go for them.

    The pipe was a 'good' fit, and if you are bothered about vibration, put a thin piece of rubber under each mount to dampen the vibraton out. I would also carry out a bit of rust prevention too, any holes you make should be treated with paint or waxoyl (a UK product but there must be an Australian equivalent).

    I always cursed the PS pipe when doing an oil change until I fitted a air/oil cooler and binned the std one.
    Last edited by h100vw; 02-10-2006 at 11:10 AM.

  9. #9
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    All the cross members in etka for the MK2 relate to part number 191199201D as the latest part available. (Rallye had 191199201B now also superseeded a few times but currently part 191199201D also)

    What I have seen on my cross member is a VW stamp, no VW number but can see a faint marking "MEXICO" which to me means that I havent got the German bar as the RV motor was a Mexican motor and the car must contain some parts as well.

    It would be cool to know if someone has a non Australian delivered MK2 to take a pic of their corss member and check the part number to see any differences. Anybody ?

  10. #10
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    As luck would have it, there is one on my drive give me a few minutes.
    Last edited by h100vw; 02-10-2006 at 11:29 AM.

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