Hi guys,
just doing some more work on the car and wanted to get the MFA Oil temp to show on the dash. It hasn't worked since I've had the car.
So I ordered Part 049919563A from FCP and it worked fine until I stopped the car and realized that it was leaking oil from the base of the sensor. In my wisdom, I thought I would be smart and tighten it up with my ratchet. But I went to far as it sheared the head off the new sensor and I had to fish out the copper thread
I've put the old one back in until I get another.
Can i just confirm that the above is the correct part number and if I can replace the metal washer on the sensor to a rubber one? I thought that might help me get a tighter fit. I would take out the sensor myself and check the part number but can't be bothered waiting the the engine to cool down lol
Image below of sensor before I tore off the head.
VW MK2 Golf GTI 8V 1991
VW MK3 Vento 1995 Daily Driver