very nice....
Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
very nice....
Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
20vt? .
Wow, beautiful bay! What setup have you got going?
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
Stock AGU internals apart from IE forged Rods , Jabba manifold with VF22 , custom home made 3" downpipe , green injectors and a map to suit , Proalloy cooling package . 02J trans from MK3 GTI 16V , a lot of black crinkle paint to keep it stealthy looking
Is that a bonrath single wiper conversion?
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
Ben , Sure is mate , you should get one for yours , you will love it
Last edited by f320kty; 06-03-2017 at 08:18 PM.
89 Mk2 3dr GTI , tornado red , 20V Turbo - weekend sleeper WRX eater 😃 , work in progress .
No mate it's a IHI VF22 turbo , green injectors good so far but it's still early days as I have yet to run it for any length of time , power yet to be confirmed , suspect upwards of 300hp at flywheel. My tune is pre mapped in UK for the particular set up I have , it's not changeable but to be honest on the couple of drives I have had it won't need any more power .
89 Mk2 3dr GTI , tornado red , 20V Turbo - weekend sleeper WRX eater 😃 , work in progress .