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Thread: My MK2 (with problems)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Perth, WA. *YAWN*...
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    I just got Toyo Proxes4 tyres last week. Fantastic tyres and they seem to take a serious punishing without 'melting'.
    I have KW V2 coilovers, they are over $2000 but two-way adjustable and incredible to drive on road or track.

    The "problems" you're having aren't bad at all man, they are simply maintenance costs that apply to any car. Remember, its a 21 year old car now so you have to excpect some tiredness.

    Mk2's are awesome though!! Have fun!

    -1990 Mk2 GTI 5-door with AMK 20vt (260hp @ wheels)
    -Arrow/Rotax 125 TAG X1E Go Kart

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Botany, NSW
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    Due to heavy rain as of late in Sydney; I have discovered some new problems. I went to drive my car to work this morning and noticed an absolute swimming pool of water in the entire backseat floor, the two front sides of the floor are also soaked
    I have a feeling it may be the windscreen! (I think i can feel the water coming in from the bottom of the dash). This is a major bummer, also im not sure who does the seal repairs on the windscreen? i think O'brien only does glass???

    Also, i cannot see a dam thing out of my front window as im driving, the de-mister doesnt work, and even both windows down help, i can feel air coming out of the window air-con vents thou. Any suggestions?

    this is a big letdown-cheers, Brendan
    p.s- also, how does one upload their photos to this site so all the vee-dub world can see my (flooded baby), is it thru photo bucket i need to upload??

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    photobucket is the way. Do you have a sunroof? I kow mine leaks, The rear drains on mine I think are blocked.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Did you check the drains at the end of the rain tray under the bonnet? Mine did this once but after removing a bunch of pine needles about 4 litres if water spilt onto the floor

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Thumbs down

    Ah no, no sun roof, but looking at the seal in my lunch break, it looks to be ok. So I'll check the rain tray and drains when I get home; you reckon if it's blocked with those evil pine needles it just overflows into the car!?
    Dam I hope that's all it is, O'Brien glass want to charge me $270 to re-seal, and I'm not even sure if that's the problem!

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    There are cheaper windscreen specialists than O'Brien Glass that do a better job. Yellow pages is your friend. If you're at Botany then try Ralph Moore Autoglass in Mascot.

    if there is debris up in the top plenum area then also check the drains at the bottom of the guards, bottom of the doors & sills. Also check the spare wheel well & anywhere else you think water might collect.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    There are cheaper windscreen specialists than O'Brien Glass that do a better job. Yellow pages is your friend. If you're at Botany then try Ralph Moore Autoglass in Mascot.

    if there is debris up in the top plenum area then also check the drains at the bottom of the guards, bottom of the doors & sills. Also check the spare wheel well & anywhere else you think water might collect.

    Thanks guys, it wasn't the windscreen, so no expensive O'brien glass
    I went home the other arvo and cleaned out the rain tray/and the drains, found a few litres of water pooling around both sides and a hell of a lot of dirt/sticks in the drains, cleaned out, blew out the drains using air comp. and re-pluged/siliconed the holes going back toward the cabin (the one with the hood release cable going through it) so all good. thanks for the useful knowledge again guys.

  8. #28
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    Hi all!
    So its been an age since my last post, so the VW was going all good! until maybe 3 days ago. Ok so i start the car up (1st thing in the morning) all good right. but lets say i stop for petrol or something on my way to work, and this is the problem; i go to strat it again, and it fires, idols for about 20seconds, then bam- cuts power, rpm drops to 0, and the car stalls. (and theres a real bad fumes smell) and it refuses to start. so i have to leave her to sit for like an hour or so, then she starts again.... very frustrating!!! x[
    im not sure if its the fuel pump, or electrical or something like that. any thoughts? similar problems would be a great help!
    cheers all

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Check the timing . Mine did this and it was the timing on the intermediate shaft (jumped- Stupid 2 hole tensioner!). Runs now, but still over fuelling.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Distributor/hall sender for that one, duff ECU relay or fuel pump relay. Next time it stops, see if you have a spark or not..


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