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Thread: My MK2 (with problems)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Botany, NSW
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    My MK2 (with problems)

    ok, so I bought a 1990 MK2, went and took a look, and took a drive, was a dream, no real problems only the accelerator is a bit stiff to push, no rust or anything on the body, original paint, 12 months rego, etc. Got a bargain i thought. So took it to my mechanic to get the accelerator problem fixed, then i get a call today telling me of the things wrong. front and rear brakes shot (disks grinding or something) need to replace disc and pads. radiator needs to be flushed. whole accelerator throttle assembly needs to be dismantled to try to rectify the stiffness problem, and a few other things. so I think this aint gonna be cheap, ill do it myself.
    So if anyone has some advice they can give (especially with the throttle assembly and the brakes) it would be greatly appreciated, cheers. Brendan

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the VW world!

    Can you clarify the area of the stiffness (is it in the pedal assembly, the cable or the Throttle Body?)
    Can you explain any further as to what was causing the grinding?

    Have a read through here
    Last edited by ryana89; 09-03-2011 at 09:34 PM.
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
    80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Nice one. Welcome to the MK2 Club.

    Discs and pads are easy enough. Give GTI Imports a call if you need parts.

    Did he replace the accelerator cable? Other than that and the pedal on the mount there is nothing else to fix...

  4. #4
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    No, he hasn't replaced anything yet, hes going to give me a quote today. Im not too sure of exactly where the problem lies, but when i go to push the accelerator its hard to push. A friend of mine reckons just to lubricate it, but others are saying it may infact be the cable and it needs to be replaced.(is the cable hard to replace?) I can let yas no more when i get it home and start to tear it apart
    As for the brakes frinding, it may just be wear and tear over the years? hopefully nothing too major, but who are the best to get brake kits from it your experience?
    do you think GTi imports would have the brakes and stuff in stock for a MK2 or would it be a bit of a wait?

    I'll upload some pics when i get it home and show you the worn brakes etc. and the throttle assembly or anything else i take apart! =D

  5. #5
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    Welcome to Mk2 world, and be prepared to spend big money

    Mk2 brake parts are not rare, they can be sourced in most Euro parts store. If you are in Botany area then Camden GTI (Matt), aka GolfLoon in this forum is your best place to visit.

  6. #6
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    I don't think it will be as expensive as you're expecting. Yes parts aren't that common but MK2's are very easy to work on so these jobs can be easily done in a few hours, keeping labour costs down.

    I changed the throttle cable on mine in around 15 mins, with no previous experience.

    I think you've got off very lightly. Brakes are cheap & easy to replace and if they are the only major issue you've done well.

  7. #7
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    probably just need to clean all the 20 odd years of crap off the throttle body, etc. They re-lube the throttle spring and cable up, should be OK. Providing the cable itself isn't damaged & binding, causing the heavy 'feel'.

    Welcome to the world of DIY!

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Yup, Mk2s are not that hard or expensive if you goto the right place.
    We have pads, rotors, throttle cables and more on the shelf for them, brand new and usually have a wreck or two out the back for all the annoying trim pieces.
    Mail order, no worries, or visit our new shop at Campbelltown.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Brakes, flushing a radiator and changing the throttle cable are just a few of the many things I'm doing on my mk2 GTI, all pretty straight forward stuff, won't be that expensive. New brakes $400 tops, throttle cable $20, radiator fluid $30.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Ok, so i've been driving my little MK2 around for over a week now, and gotta say im getting used to its little faults, and it drives well (apart from its drifting to the right-needs wheel alignment). The brakes seem ok, but i still think I need to replace them, and i'm not sure if i have the time to do it myself, so I got a few quotes, parts will cost me around $450, Labour $200. I think its pretty reasonable.

    I flushed the radiator yesterday, and the water that came out was putrid (as expected) was a rusty colour, still driving around with the cleaning agent in there (to give the radiator some more time to clean itself and ill re-flush it/add coolant tomorrow.)

    As for the pics, i have taken many, but i lost the chord for my dgital camera, so bare with me and ill get some opics going.

    Also, i have noticed the headlights on low-beam are very weak. may need new globes or re-wiring?? let me know if you have a sloution; cheers. Brendan

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