The spoiler was glued on.
does anyone know about mk2 tailgates?
I want to put my spoiler back on (it was never installed when i got it), but the tailgate doesnt have any provision to install the screws into the tailgate that stick out from the spoiler itself...
thinking the tailgate is not original as im sure my car has had body work done over its hard life...
any ideas?
The spoiler was glued on.
the bolts go through the glass, not the metal, not really glued on either.
mk2 GTi 16v
Corrado G60
Its been 3 months since an update, lately I've forever blacked the bumpers, removed all plastic strips and plastic wheel arches and replaced them with black vinyl. Car is 3/4 cut and polished, huge improvement, and I've added a window net too
If it's an easy job getting the rear window out, wanna swap? Mine has holes for the spoiler, but I'm going with a different spoiler. I also have 2 spoilers, one in black plastic and one in gloss black (same as my car)
Seat toledo as well - Note Harness colours are different. Get yourself a VAG port as well.
Steering Column, Immobilser, perhaps a new Wheel and Boss. We used a Toldeo and also had to cutaway a small piece of the hood support to fit the intake manifold . You best read up and get prepared but the end results are awesome.
Goes like a bat out of hell, with short 1st on the 5 speed, better get some good front tyres as well.
Love it...
Let me research how to swap them.
New v old crystal headlights, courtesy of pete
And my viscious guard dog