damn i want me some eqip 02's soo bad! possibly my favourite wheel on a mk2
is there more info on that jetta? chasing wheel specs
This is my ideal at the moment. Great colour, all original GTI trim, small bumpers, BBS RS's, 16V engine, perfect stance for show & go. Love it!!!
Yep, I agree, great colour and overall just so neat! Gets to show that RSs will always look great on a Mk2, no matter how deep (or lack of) dish... I think I actually prefer this look (what are these 6.5-7 inch?) and they are probably more practical as well (not as much scrubbing).
Small bumpers are very cool, too (makes me want to put smalls on mine)![]()
Last edited by Domel; 06-06-2011 at 02:18 PM.
- Mk2 Golf GTI 16v, 2-door, Tornado Rot, BBS RS, 1988 - SOLD
- E30 325i Coupe, Manual, Alpinweiss
- E30 325i Touring, Manual, Diamantschwarz x 2
- On the lookout for another E30 325i Coupe, Manual (red would be nice)...
yeah great colour!!! RS' are a little big imo, but other than that... perfection
Walshy, where did u get the pics from?? i want desktop size!!
Ohwell, straight to the Ipod's wallpaper then.![]()
Its funny, no matter how suberb the condition of a MK2, there's always a crusty raintray cover![]()
Last edited by ryana89; 07-06-2011 at 08:51 AM.
MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...
Would it be difficult to find a set of small bumpers and side mouldings like this one - I think I'm really falling for the small bumper look...
- Mk2 Golf GTI 16v, 2-door, Tornado Rot, BBS RS, 1988 - SOLD
- E30 325i Coupe, Manual, Alpinweiss
- E30 325i Touring, Manual, Diamantschwarz x 2
- On the lookout for another E30 325i Coupe, Manual (red would be nice)...