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Thread: MK2 Ignition switch problem?

  1. #1
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    Georges Hall, NSW
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    MK2 Ignition switch problem?

    Hey Guys,
    I think my ignition switch is starting to play up. Sometimes it take a few turns of the key to start and I've noticed that if I turn the key and then turn it back just a bit it fires up. It also seems to stall when I go to break and that can be a bit scary. This happens randomly but usually doesn't occur again after it has happened.

    I'm hoping that if I put in a new switch things should go good again.

    I've located the plug and switch on the steering column and my brother; an ex auto electrician; found that the wire to starter pin seemed to be loose. We tried to jam a little screw in there and that seemed to help with it getting a better contact but it still stalls sometimes.
    I the just wanted to know if I could do the replacement without having to take the steering wheel off?

    I'm reluctant to let the missus drive the car as I don't want it to shall on her while out driving.

    Anyone else experience anything like this or has any insight?

  2. #2
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    It sounds like you are on the right track to fix the problem. A faulty ignition switch would be the same as turning the ignition off.

    There's 2 ways to fix the problem.

    1) Replace the ignition switch. It can be done without taking the steering wheel off and you should swap the internal key lock so you can still use your old key.

    2) Install a hidden on/off switch just for the ignition. Makes the car harder to steal too (but not impossible so don't assume no-one can take your car).



  3. #3
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    Hey Paul,
    thanks for the advice.

    If I were to replace the ignition switch, did that mean I have to remove the key barrel as well? I thought I might just have to remove the switch from the base? Also would you know of an online guide to do this?

    I was also thinking of the on/off switch option Looks like there are some available that don't even require the key to be put in. Some are like those in modern cars that detect the key within the car with a sensor. I'll see what my brother thinks.
    VW MK2 Golf GTI 8V 1991
    VW MK3 Vento 1995 Daily Driver

  4. #4
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    You'll still need to use your key to unlock the steering lock if you use a separate on/off switch. If you go down this path don't do my trick and use the switch to start the car but forget to put the key in. A couple of times I've driven off and had a panic attack when I come to the first corner and found the steering wheel won't turn!

    The key barrel is pretty easy to remove once you get the plastic cover off the steering column. If you get stuck let us know and I'll take some photos of mine.

  5. #5
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    If the barrel isn't worn just the contacts need replacing but steering wheel and housing still need to be removed.Contacts are only $25 or so and your time to swap.
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  6. #6
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    Listen to the man. What he doesn't know about old golfs isn't worth knowing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprr32 View Post
    If the barrel isn't worn just the contacts need replacing but steering wheel and housing still need to be removed.Contacts are only $25 or so and your time to swap.
    Hi do you know of a guide to do it? Do I need any special tools?
    VW MK2 Golf GTI 8V 1991
    VW MK3 Vento 1995 Daily Driver

  8. #8
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    A Bently manual or just you tube it.
    Widebody Cayman S Turbo, 83 ur Quattro
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    76 Scirocco(TFSI and DSG) 2018 Tiguan,Eureka,81 924.

  9. #9
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    Hey Guys,
    just a quick update. Its been a few weeks now and I haven't had any problems with starting or stalling. The only thing I did was secured 2 loose wires that were coming out of the back of my head unit leading to the left rear speaker. I think they might have been shorting the whole car previously.
    VW MK2 Golf GTI 8V 1991
    VW MK3 Vento 1995 Daily Driver

  10. #10
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    Welcome to the world of MK2 ownership.

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