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Thread: MK2 gti intermittent power loss

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryana89 View Post
    There are not many jobs on these cars that can justify spending $500.
    Not everyone can diy cambelt, Ryan. Cambelt is a 2 - 3 hours job. Shops need to make profit, I paid $350 for cambelt job. $500 is abit high though.

  2. #42
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    If I knew someone to lend me tools and hand I would do it, believe me!
    This is my first Mk2 and my second car all up and have no experience with mechanical work in the past...
    I drive my mk2 daily and can't afford to be having my car off the road potentially screwing it up trying to fix it on my own.

    Feel like schmuck forking over cash to mechanics but end of the day I feel like I don't have much choice.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Depone View Post
    If I knew someone to lend me tools and hand I would do it, believe me!
    This is my first Mk2 and my second car all up and have no experience with mechanical work in the past...
    I drive my mk2 daily and can't afford to be having my car off the road potentially screwing it up trying to fix it on my own.

    Feel like schmuck forking over cash to mechanics but end of the day I feel like I don't have much choice.

    Spend mechanics money on tools to do the job. Sub $50 would do it, IMO. Haynes manual $20 or internet how to.

    Loads of dollars left over for something else.



  4. #44
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    Hang on here, yeah mechanics have to make money course they have, same as plumbers and builders etc, i NEVER question them when they do stuff for me but the plumber will fix his car at the weekend, what a crap trade it is. And Very thank less, tnakfully there is just some tech stuff we can actually do thet the diy,er cant., we actually did an apprenticeship and MANY years afterwards to hone the skills, same or i hope the same as any other tradesman, i totally agree that some can over charge, i can feel for folk at that raw end of a deal, thats where i try my best not to but still have to pay bills, like every one else and Google and internet diagnosis and tips can sometimes end you up paying heaps more anyway. Just wish that techs wouldnt all get tarred with that brush gives me the willies.
    Sorry dont mean to hijack the thread, ill help anyone when possible but must stick up for the trade sorry.
    This isnt aiming at anyone by the way, just sticking up for what ive done for the last 24+ years and many out there, just hits a nerve when hearing how mechanics are this and that.
    Good luck with it all
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  5. #45
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    Top price could reflect not really wanting to do the job but I can't see a professional taking as long as 3 hours to do a MK2 cambelt.

    $4-500 is a fair amount of money, as a percentage of the value of the car. Running a 20 year old isn't going to be cheap. The cheapest bit is the actual purchase.

    Depone, you should have a look at what's involved in doing some simple jobs on your car. It's part of your entry into the world of VWs.

    Some people are not cut out to wield spanners that's for sure but assess your skill level against what you find and go from there.

    Get a Haynes for some light reading. At least then you'll have an idea what's going on.


  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Top price could reflect not really wanting to do the job but I can't see a professional taking as long as 3 hours to do a MK2 cambelt.

    $4-500 is a fair amount of money, as a percentage of the value of the car. Running a 20 year old isn't going to be cheap. The cheapest bit is the actual purchase.

    Depone, you should have a look at what's involved in doing some simple jobs on your car. It's part of your entry into the world of VWs.

    Some people are not cut out to wield spanners that's for sure but assess your skill level against what you find and go from there.

    Get a Haynes for some light reading. At least then you'll have an idea what's going on.

    Thanks guys I have looked into the manual when I have had some spare time and seen a few diagrams at how to line the belt up online..I just feel like I'm out of my depth doing it solo, it looks like it could stuff up pretty bad if I get it wrong.

    I was game to do the fuel pump, it seemed easy, but the damn thing didn't last long enough for me to buy it online and get it in there...hence the tow to mechanics and getting them to do it.

    Next issue I'm doing it myself, between the brake pads, fuel pump and belt this past few months have sucked.

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