The handles from a MK3 are very similar, interchangable and much easier to find. I suggest you track down a local wrecker and see what he's got.
Standard MK2
Later model
G'Day All,
Whilst I posted in the newbie section that I am not a VW owner (Golf or any other model) I did mention that the vehicle I am restoring uses a VW motor and several other VW components.
Currently I am working on the body and have been looking for some "smallish", all metal, door latches to use in the lift up sides and I understand the Mk2 Golf has units that might conform to my requirements
Additionally my automotive Engineer informs me that to get certification the latches me be:
1/......used on a vehicle newer than 1987
2/......used on a vehicle that was sold through Australian VW Dealers.
I'm no expert on these vehicles/latches and most of my information to date has been gleaned from the internet so if someone would be kind enough to verify my research, I'd appreciate it!
Additionally if someone has some two (2) left and two (2) right units for sale I'd love to hear from you.
The handles from a MK3 are very similar, interchangable and much easier to find. I suggest you track down a local wrecker and see what he's got.
Standard MK2
Later model
Last edited by sports racer; 08-08-2016 at 12:57 PM.
1978 MK1 2.0 16v
1991 MK2 GTI 2.0 8v, white (RIP) and it's red replacement
1997 MK3 CL
2001 & 2002 Bora 4motion.
Hi Mate
I'm pretty sure there are some in my shelf collecting dust. I'll have a look tomorrow and let you know.
Cheers Dan
Sorry mate, I forgot to look.
But I'll look tomorrow made a note for myself.
I can't remember if I had to file the internals or bend something but it took about an hour per handle to fit them and get them to work with the latches. It's worth it though.
1978 MK1 2.0 16v
1991 MK2 GTI 2.0 8v, white (RIP) and it's red replacement
1997 MK3 CL
2001 & 2002 Bora 4motion.