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Thread: Manual conversion

  1. #11

    Your throttle cables is for auto box. A rhd diesel throttle cable can fit automatic throttle body perfectly. Be careful that a big long steel shift rod, mk3 and mk2 have slight different shapes. Putting a mk3 one in can still shift but feels bad.

  2. Firstly I'm going to see if Camden GTI will supply the correct throttle body.. really think it should have been with the kit. From what I have read shift rod is weighted and should be better....if not I will figure it out when I get to that point...Still pulling the automatic transmission out. We have a newborn so time is limited

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  3. #13
    Sorry for being conufsing. I actually mean the ca. 1 meter long rod that goes from your joystick to your shift mechanism. Also the shift box that contains the joystick is for mk3, the bolt holes are not right for mk2.

  4. Quote Originally Posted by hahne View Post
    Sorry for being conufsing. I actually mean the ca. 1 meter long rod that goes from your joystick to your shift mechanism. Also the shift box that contains the joystick is for mk3, the bolt holes are not right for mk2.
    From what I can gather from Google image search the Mk3 shift box has a protruding thread... which mine doesn't.. could be wrong. Jump that hurdle when I get there. Have you done a conversion Hahne??

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  5. #15
    Yeah I did mine a while ago. I tried to use as much mk3 stuff as possible. But shift box and the long rod I end up have to ordered a mk2 setup. While you are taking so many stuff apart. It's worth upgrading the downpipe and catalytic converter to the mk3 ones as well.

  6. #16
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  7. Okay so I have removed the auto tranny and ready to install the manual conversion parts. Unfortunately Camden has supplied a bunch of parts that don't work. Try to install the pedal box which turned out to be completely wrong..also tried to install shifter and no bolt holes line up.... Honestly I'm not sure where they pulled the parts from but there all wrong.

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  8. Does anyone know what shifter box is in the second pic??

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  9. #19
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    they all look like mk3 golf or b3 passat parts. What is the part number on them?

  10. Quote Originally Posted by dubstar View Post
    they all look like mk3 golf or b3 passat parts. What is the part number on them?
    I can make the shift box fit...Just wondering how it's going to feel changing gears

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