Volvo has had a entire subframe replacement ( hence the engine being lifted) along with new ball joints.
Also will need a transmission flush and fill and then a software re-program.
And I thought VW's were tricky to work on!!
Subframe has the oddest mix of bolt sizes.
Hoping it will be good for a pink slip next week!!!
07 GTI
APR stage II
Thought it was time I updated this page, since I have done a few jobs on the mk2.
Today picked up a nice straight replacement bonnet from VWW member aliasmk2.
Also scored a bonnet protector/car bra, which will hide the existing damage nicely while I blow a fresh coat of paint on the new one.
Thanks heaps mate! Great to meet you and hope you get your mk2 back on the road.
07 GTI
APR stage II