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Thread: It Lives

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Chatswood, Sydney

    It Lives

    so got the mk2 running tonight. (i got this from an auction not running and with no knowledge of previous history)

    the good:
    it runs, goes, stops, turns, reverses and has enough grunt to screech the tyres

    the bad:
    it stinks really bad
    i noticed a small amount of smoke that could have been blue
    it idles VERY roughly, drops down to low revs, shudders, pops back up to 1100 revs and then drops down again.

    tbh im not too fussed since that engine will be tossed but i wouldnt mind getting it running properly first.

    could it be a head gasket or just a bit of a tune-up? havnt had time to change the oil yet so i'm guessing that might help.

    New user account: Mischa

    Have: gt sport tdi, mk2 gti, mk1 3dr

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Parkinson / Brisbane
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    i could be totally wrong due to my lack of knowledge but sounds like a fueling issue? I take it that its fine once you tromp the accelerator? smoke with a blue tinge im sure indicates that its running rich and maybe thats why it wont idle properly ? . . . good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Perth WA

    The bad idle is more than likely the ISV playing up (idle stablization valve, small cylinder with a couple of pipes and a electrical connector, just above the camcover),
    my GTI was doing this, just remove it, spray the insides with throttle body cleaner/carb cleaner, then leave overnight to soak, u will be suprised with what comes out, mine now idles fine.......The smoke if blue is usally a sign of the engine buring oil.....overfueling would indicate black smoke

    Hope that helps

    2.0L 16v Audi 80 - Project
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
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    If it has old fuel in, top up to full with 98 octane good stuff and that may fix some of the problems.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Chatswood, Sydney
    Thread Starter
    thanks for the suggestions, new list of things to do: change oil, clean icv, fill her (him) up... havnt decided if its a her or a him.

    what oil is the best to use on the 8v engine?
    New user account: Mischa

    Have: gt sport tdi, mk2 gti, mk1 3dr

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Prahran, Vic
    took these from another thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw
    Any branded 10-40 oil will be ok in your motor. Synthetics in my experience are too thin once warmed up and the engine just burns it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmymac
    Castrol magnatec is a great oil mate i suggest you use that. Ive had no dramas with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Defo more of a set up than gasket problem. Fresh petrol and clean the ISV to start with. Then also look at the tickover screw, my bet is it is gummed up badly. Clean the screw itself and the bypass drilling too.

    If it hasn't been run in a long while it'll take a few miles to blow the crap out the exhaust. I'd put some miles under the wheels and then re-assess any issues.

    If you can't drive it, then don't leave it to idle as that won't do much, just get the revs up to 1500-2000 and leave it for 10 mins, that'll heat everything up nicely.

    An oil change after that would be a good move too. Any old 10-40 to start with and drop that after a couple of weeks running around.

    Last edited by h100vw; 28-10-2007 at 01:27 PM.


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