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Thread: K-jet

  1. #1
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    Does anyone knows if K-jet system is same on 16v and 8v VW Golf mk2?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfac View Post
    Does anyone knows if K-jet system is same on 16v and 8v VW Golf mk2?

    No it isn't, there's quite a lot of differences.


  3. #3
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    Thanx Gavin I'm new with all this.I don't know anything about this stuff.Just picked up 1989 golf 16v two door and I can't start it so I just found out about this K-jet system. I need a new fuel pump with external mini fuel tank.I'm in Melbourne so if u know any VW second hand suplliers of Mk2 Golf parts let me know.Thanx again

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfac View Post
    Thanx Gavin I'm new with all this.I don't know anything about this stuff.Just picked up 1989 golf 16v two door and I can't start it so I just found out about this K-jet system. I need a new fuel pump with external mini fuel tank.I'm in Melbourne so if u know any VW second hand suplliers of Mk2 Golf parts let me know.Thanx again
    I recommend this book for bedtime reading. HOW TO Tune AND Modify Bosch Fuel Injection BY BEN Watson Paperback 1992 0879385707 | eBay

    And this Haynes manual, not any of the others. This one has specific 16v information in it.

    VW Golf Jetta MK2 Petrol 1984 TO 1990 Haynes Owners Workshop Manual INC GTI | eBay

    Look on Amazon, probably save some money.

    There are 2 fuel pumps on the 16V, a lift pump in the tank and the main one outside the tank. Next to that is the fuel filter and accumulator.

    mk2 16v fuel pump | eBay

    The States is the best place to look for most parts. They had lots of 16Vs there.

    Australia isn't the most likely place to find one.


  5. #5
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    The 8 valve also has two pumps. One lift and one main.

    The main difference is the metering head I think. All other bits should be interchangeable.

  6. #6
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    Is the pump priming when you ignition on or stall?

    If the lift pump dies, you will kill the main pump. Ask me how I know. Camden Gti apparently changed the lift pump, but didn't, and I was charged with a new pump plus fitting. I then had to buy an actual new lift pump and a main pump as they both crapped themselves.

    Recently when I thought my main pump died, it turned out to be the fuel pump relay.

    Gti imports in dural can get the parts in.
    Last edited by ozgti; 15-05-2013 at 01:16 AM.

  7. #7
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    You can bolt in the injectors and other hardware for sure but that's not the whole story. 8V K-jet cars are pretty thin on the ground even in the UK as they were dropped in late 87 in favour of digifant.

    My advice is don't re-invent the wheel, buy the correct parts.

    Read the manual and the Bosch book, then fixing it will be easy.

    Failed hall senders in the distributor are pretty common too. Often it starts out dying when hot but seems good from cold. Then it'll fail sooner and sooner until it doesn't start at all. The hall sender can be replaced, jaycar sold one for under $20, not sure if they still do?

    K-jet runs at a higher pressure than the digifant, so the fuel pumps are not interchangeable. You get high speed fueling problems.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozgti View Post
    Is the pump priming when you ignition on or stall?

    If the lift pump dies, you will kill the main pump. Ask me how I know. Camden Gti apparently changed the lift pump, but didn't, and I was charged with a new pump plus fitting. I then had to buy an actual new lift pump and a main pump as they both crapped themselves.

    Recently when I thought my main pump died, it turned out to be the fuel pump relay.

    Gti imports in dural can get the parts in.
    Actually all parts were changed. Then you were unhappy and waited a year and a half to complain and threw away all the parts. Makes it kind of hard to assist you at that point.

    16v and 8v Kjet run different pressures. Like gavin says the states is a good source for parts. Try techtonics tuning.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  9. #9
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    Is that like giving it a tune up and then having to wait close to 5 hours while you sorted out why I had no power and why my brakes were squealing which resulted in me no longer having disc backing plates, you having to rub down my pads and still having to come back to you to try and tube my k-jet when I dropped it off it was all fine? You even mentioned in a previous post that it was a hoot to drive, yet when I collected it it wouldn't rev past 4k, wouldn't go over 60kph and squealed like a banshee as anyone that was there can attest to?

  10. #10
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    Did you buy the Helios blue one for sale in Adelaide a few weeks back??

    That's my cars twin!!

    I had a similar issue with mine, I sourced all the parts OS.
    Ill find out exactly where I got what soon for you
    Last edited by Stiggy_21; 15-05-2013 at 09:52 PM.

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