I'd prefer to just get it back on ASAP, I'm not too fussed with getting it ported, new valves & etc. Don't have the time/money atm. I was not planning on having to do this at all! (grrrr)
I'd prefer to just get it back on ASAP, I'm not too fussed with getting it ported, new valves & etc. Don't have the time/money atm. I was not planning on having to do this at all! (grrrr)
If you get a VRS gasket kit it'll have stems seals in it along with the head gasket and rocker cover gasket etc.
May as well pop them in it doesn't take long to do. Gimme a call over the weekend.
79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
7? MK1 Caddy
79 B1 Passat Dasher Project
12 Amarok
Yea I'm getting a VRS kit. I've got saturday off work, so hopefully I'll swing past then. Cheers Pete
You just wiggle the injectors and they pull out IIRC. Once the rail is off, it's just the O rings that hold them in. Swift decoke and stem seals is worth the time, while it's all off.
I have the problem of noisy lifters too and would like to get the head looked at(possibly a mild reco), and being that I am unable to the work myself, and I am looking at a 268 or 270 cam plus some springs.. who would you recommend in VIC to do this sorta work for me, and what kinda labour charges are you looking at assuming I supplied most of the parts??
Velly saw you used a guy Chris???
Cheers Gav, injectors just pull/wiggle out.
Heads at R G Baker engineering in Box hill atm, just getting a surface grind to removed the small mark where the gasket failed. should be nice and cheap, pick it up this afternoon hopefully, and don't need to do a full reco.
I honestly don't know what it'd cost to get a head done, soz!
Productive day today.
Firstly big thanks to Pete Jones, for helping me to the valve stem seals (well showing me how to do them, then letting my borrow the tools to do the rest!)
Head is now back on, as are the manifolds etc, almost ready, just have the timing belt & tensior (nearly) off, waiting to remove the pulley's and replace them tommorrow, then fill the rad, and then change the oil and filter (less than 1 week old!)
Also put the mk 3 GL down pipe on. this one is a bit longer than the original, and the cat sits (well must sit) further back in the mk 3. I also discovered that the rest of the exhaust (cat back) is only about 1 3/4" dia, where as I was under the impression it was 2". So I'll take it off, and go get a cat from the wreckers (either a mk 3 2L one or something that's 2" inlet and outlet) and then take it to an exhaust shop and get them to fab up a MS 2" BP system, I'll use my old straight through exhaust from my mk 1, to save on some costs for now.
Should have taken a photo of the head after it got done. but I didn't. oopsy. Speaking off. Rob baker (R G Baker engineering) did a great job on the head. Wash and surface grind for $70, not complaining at all. same day service too which was great. Rob said the head dind't need any welds or anything, cause it wasn't cracked, rather it was just a score mark from where the HG had failed. He said he'd take about 2 thou off, so should have negligble effect on the CR.
hopefully tomorrow we'll have some noise!
Rob is a good bloke.
He is also an engineering lecturer at Uni.
He has done many a head job...