My 88 is RHD wiper
Cheers, Benny
My 88 is RHD wiper
Cheers, Benny
My last MK2 was built August 1988 and that had RHD wipers. I've only ever seen very early MK2s with the LHD wipers!
I was hoping for a big bumper model in blue (same colour as the car in the eBay link) but if it's that much easier to import a pre 1989 model then i'll have to look at that.
From what I read on the other thread am I right in thinking that I CAN do a personal import on a pre 1989 car even if I haven't owned and driven it in the UK for 12 months? And if it's a 16v will it be more complicated than importing an 8 valve due to the 16v engine never being used here?
There is a 3 door MK2 in alpine white in Williamstown and I think that might be a 16v (going on it's registration plates). Anyone on here own that?
Thanks for all the replies. I'm sure i'll have loads more questions as I look into it more!
Last edited by Shortstuff; 24-03-2007 at 11:06 AM.
wipers were changed the year the VW badge got moved to the center of the rear pannel. 1988.![]()
Cheers, Benny
Read the links on the thread more than the opinions. We do not know the full 2007 story as no-one here has done it. I know a few people that have looked into it and said that it was impossible. I'm only the messenger here![]()
Doesn't make any difference whether it is 8v or 16v unless it is a digifant motor with the same engine prefix as the Australian ones, then it would be easier.
Wait....why does it have to be pre 88? Ive heard of some '15year old' rule but i dont get it. How come you can import japs that arnt pre 88![]()
Can you modify a mk2 over there and them bring it here? is there some ristriction on power to weight for importing?
MK1 GLS 3door
A4 B7 2.0T
It is possible but you have to remember things like side impact bars, emmissions etc which considering they didn't have cats could be a problem. If you bring it in as a personal import like I did none of this stuff applies.
By the time you add up the cost it is easier to just buy a mk2 import. Offers over $10K for mine![]()
Rules for imports have changed. its no longer 15 year rule.
its now 88 and before. (due to too many bloody skylines lol)...
the pre 88 cars dont have to be complied as such. (maybe a high mount brake light and some child restraint points)
all the jap cars you see after 1988 have to be modified to comply with all ADRs (side intrusion bars etc)
and thats why you see GTR skylines on the warf in japan for bout 5g, and when they get here and complied they sell for 25gPlus.....
some of the other guys might know better than me, but i think if you own a car in the UK, and have owned it for a certain time you can bring it with you no problems.
Last edited by 86gti; 24-03-2007 at 05:07 PM.
Cheers, Benny