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Thread: Help with replacement of Radiator Fan

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    You can disconnect just as long as there isn't any gas in the lines. Undo one of the connections and listen for a hissing sound. If it hisses you'll need to take it to an aircon place for them to collect the gas as it's illegal to release into the atmosphere.

    Mine were disconnected at the pump and at the firewall.

    Start a new thread for the pictures and use that thread to post progress as you work on it. Sometimes it's good to go back over your old build thread to see how far the car has changed over the time you've had it.



  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Georges Hall, NSW
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    Awesome thank you for the tip.

    I'll wait till it cools down outside then i'll give it a go

    I'll start a new thread with the pictures so far.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    With all the tips I have taken the plunge and started to remove the air con lines and as I suspected there was no hissing sound at all!

    I disconnected both lines and gently moved them out of the way:

    With these out of the way it was smooth sailing! I was able to lift the shoud out and remove the old fan. I then installed the new one and did everything in reverse order. I triple checked all the connectors and even had my wife come have a look too, just in case the old eyes where playing tricks on me

    Fanless shroud

    Old fan on the left the new on the right.

    New fan installed. Isn't she a beauty!

    More angles:

    Everything put back in place and working like a champ!!

    I found removing the battery gave me extra space to work with.
    Be careful when cutting the old cable ties.

    Time taken:
    About 45mins

    Things I would do differently:
    Pick a cooler day or do it in the shade. I found a large Mexican hat helps
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-dsc_0589-jpg   Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-dsc_0586-jpg  

    Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-both-lines-disconnected-jpg   Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-1-line-disconnected-jpg  

    Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-dsc_0596-jpg   Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-dsc_0594-jpg  

    Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-dsc_0591-jpg   Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-shroud-new-fan-attached-jpg  

    Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-shroud-without-fan-jpg   Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-shroud-fan-reinstalled-jpg  

    Help with replacement of Radiator Fan-dsc_0601-jpg  

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Now I just have to go get the car regassed

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Congrats, nice to see all the photos as you went. I know using an original fan as a replacement is an easy way to do it but why didn't you take the opportunity to fit a modern slimline fan?



    PS. Love the hat

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    JAYISK, Air cons are a closed refrigerant system, one you break those lines, the refrigerant is lost and the oil that's used to compress the refrigerant will leak out over time too. They are the refrigerant cooling lines...

    So it's time you get handy removing the big bumper, I think I've hit the half century at least!

    Four bolts under the car that laminate through the chassis rails onto the bumper bracket. Be sure to remember to disconnect blinkers and high beams, there's a horn there too.

    Then one the bumper is off, two radiator top mounting bolts and bushes and if you want the whole front top and middle bracket comes away too. At this point it's a good idea to check your lighting looms for good connects, my head lights glowed brighter when I tidied up the wiring that was there.

    For temp work I place a milk crate in front of car and swing the radiator across on onto it to give me access. Otherwise I remove the bottom and top hose, drain it, disconnect the electric fan and then disconnect the thermo switch.

    The thermo switch will toggle with a significant click you can feel it, so put over a soft flame or boiling water and you'll findout if it's working. The check the Relay, you can short the thermoswitch to trigger the fan, if it doesnt work, relay is dead or fan motor is toast.

    Take advantage of having the access available, work on the bumper if it needs some TLC and you'll get a chance to have a look at the air temp sensors, oil sensors, pressure etc and get to know the workings. Be gentle on the coolant systems and connectors, they'll be in their mid twenties now and while they are graphite and great quality, they do give up the ghost after a while. So if you're not prepared for a coolant system failure, avoid engine flushes and stressing of flanges too much. These are the $2 parts that will leave you on the side of the road so start gathering coolant flanges and hoses just incase!

    Good luck!


    DANG - Oh well I must have missed the page! ALL GOOD now?

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Georges Hall, NSW
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    Thanks for the tips Blis. Yeah its all good now. I even got it regassed and it so so cold now

    I did want to take off the bumper so I will use your information!

    I'll post pics when I do that next

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    You know I never even thought of upgrading the fan

    Apart from size, is there any other benefits of the more modern fans?

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