Wouldn't have helped the air quality either eh?Originally Posted by brackie
Yep. Thanks for the welcome brackie.
Welcome, Moto...Good to have you aboard. Got a Mk2? Leaves/sticks are always a problem. Recently I pulled a dead rat out of the plenum of one of my Golfs (I live on a farm) and where it was wouldn't have helped air flow one bitAnother rat chewed through the HT leads on my old Audi. I now put poison under the bonnet
Wouldn't have helped the air quality either eh?Originally Posted by brackie
Yep. Thanks for the welcome brackie.
yea checked all that :-S...thats as far as ive got, lol, was going to pull the whole lot out but ive been busy getting the GTi-R in order...
..like i said, air flow is fine through the system...i do a 90klm round trip to work n back everyday and once you on the open road without the fan on with just the air forcing it through it gets hot very quickly.....it just seems like the fan isnt spinning quick enough or something...it does spin, u can hear it on all levels, but just a vauge bit of warmth when u sitting still...or especially the first 5 klms of my drive to work with the windows fogging up......here's me with my windows down!!!!! hahahaha![]()
Cheers, Benny
Hi Ben! So, have you pulled the fan motor out to check that the fan blade assembly is spinning with the motor? From memory it was an easy job on Blackie, in fact I think you can see it under the bonnet if you take the plastic shroud off, in the plennum. I replaced the resistor on the motor in 1987. It was a common problem with the Mk2s to blow that & the fan would only operate on the 3rd speed. Glovebox comes out very easily on that car giving easy access to the fan.![]()
Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned
ahhhh, no havnt looked yet...ill have a look on the weekend...its been too cold to go out dorrs this weekend, hahaha! so ive turned my lounge room into a pocket bike workshop..
ill crawl up under the dash and have a peep
Cheers, Benny
ok, spent thismorning pulling the glove box etc to get to the heater fan.
fan is working fine on all speeds. the air just isnt getting to the vents.
Ive taken the console etc out and seems like the flaps in the box are working.
just wont blow.....only other thing i have noted is while driving at around 80-100 when the air pushing through warms things up nicley., i go around a right hand corner....(mostly long sweeping round abouts on the highway) and the air goes cold
.. then heat comes back couple of seconds later .. am i going mad? yes i am
any ideas? not looking forward to taking out the whole dash![]()
Cheers, Benny
Sounds like the flaps aren't working consistently. Might be worth having a look at the vacume hoses at the switch. One might be damaged or they may have been put back in the wrong sequence at some stage.