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Thread: Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Georges Hall, NSW
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    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning

    I found this video on youtube showing how to clean your spot lights:

    Hopefully with the below tips in conjunction with the above video you will be able give it a go. Enjoy

    My spotlights looked pretty foggy. So I popped the bonnet and removed the 2 screws holding the grill in and removed them. I made sure to disconnect the 2 light connectors and placed it down on my soft shoe box.


    Pretty misty

    The light is under a rubber cover and held in with 3 bent down metal tabs. I found that the easiest way to pull back the 3 tabs on each light was using 2 small flat head screwdrivers

    Once you have removed the light bulb, cable and fixture you will be left with a larger hole to work with. Please note, the part below in red is quite sharp and can cut fingers pretty easily.

    I then sprayed in some glass cleaner in and used a kitchen wipe to clean the glass. I pushed the wipe into the hole and with my fingers, slowly went around the glass as best I could.

    After that I noticed that it was still a little damp inside the lights, so I pushed in a shammy and tried to dry it the best I could. I was surprised at the difference. In the below the right has been cleaned but not the left.

    After the cleaning:

    On the car:

    One of the longest parts was lifting the 3 tabs on each light. I took my time with these as I didn't want to break any of them off.

    When re-securing the fixture to the lights, I used the small flat head screw driver and tapped them down with the end of a pair of pliers. Nice and gentle.

    Time taken:
    about 45mins
    I'm really happy with the results.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-dsc_0566-jpg   Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-dsc_0567-b-jpg  

    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-dsc_0565-jpg   Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-before-jpg  

    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-dsc_0570-jpg   Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-dsc_0571-jpg  

    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-right-spotlight-cleaned-jpg   Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-right-spotlight-clean-b-jpg  

    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-dsc_0568-jpg   Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-left-cleaned-jpg  

    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-right-cleaned-jpg   Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-after-jpg  

    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-completed-job-jpg   Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-right-car-jpg  

    Guide Golf MK2 Spot light cleaning-left-car-jpg  
    Last edited by JAYISK; 10-01-2016 at 01:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Good write up and looks heaps better.

    If it hasn't already been upgraded with separate relays providing power straight from the battery then do this mod to the driving lights and headlights. Standard wiring is pathetic and the difference is literally like night and day.



  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Georges Hall, NSW
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    That would be awesome, did you have a link to a guide?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    On mine I mounted the relays behind the grill, next to the passenger side headlight and spliced into the headlight wiring on the passenger side. This meant the wiring going to the passenger headlight was used to power the relays so I cut off the wiring to the driver side headlight and spliced those wires to the wires coming off the plug that connects to the passenger side headlight.

    I used 2 relays, one for high beam and another for low beam. If you're really serious use 4 relays, 2 for high beam and 2 for low beam. This would prevent loosing all lights if something shorted out on one side.



  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the info Paul. I've got a brother that is an ex auto electrician, I get him to have a look over what you have supplied.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Isnt it illegal to wire driving lights to be able to be on with low beams I think so.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Correct. I wired them in parallel with my high beam so they always came on with the high beam lights.

    Because I live out in the country, 100 ks from work, I need good lights to help dodge the roos and wombats so having working driving lights is a must have.



  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Georges Hall, NSW
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    Thanks guys, all that information looks looks very en-lightening. Get it! Sorry bad dad joke

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