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Thread: Goodey's daily Mk2 GTI

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodey View Post
    thanks guys,

    Yeah driving it around more today i can already see the potential. The coilovers keep it reasonably flat around corners/roundabouts already
    Down the line i'll be looking at the 2 litre bottom end or possibly even a 1.8t conversion to give it a bit more go Unfortunately I have the ultimate first world driving problem which is that most cars now feel slow/lacking after driving around my RX7 for ages which is actually one of the reasons I sold my bike and decided to get a daily in the first place.
    Go 1.8t! I've got a mk2 with 8v cam and higher flow exhaust manifold and I think it's a waste. 1.8t although expensive is definitely worth it
    91' Golf mk2 GTi 1.8t (soon to be gtx3076’d)
    Golf mk2 GTi 8v
    02' Audi S3 (soon to be gtx3076’d)

  2. #12
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    Unfortunately I work most weekends so it's very hard for me to get to most meets

    Josh I checked out the fuel filter while the car was up on hoists today and it looks a whole lot newer than all the components around it, obviously I cant attest to it's actual working condition but I'm now thinking/hoping that the fuel problem is something to do with the electrics and wiring. Spoke to the mechanic I used to live with and he said the voltage on the plug should be 12v+ and IIRC you tested it and it was only getting 10v? Hopefully once I replace all the wiring it's all good otherwise the problem will require someone with more skills than mine to sort out

    Quote Originally Posted by Schalke04 View Post
    Go 1.8t! I've got a mk2 with 8v cam and higher flow exhaust manifold and I think it's a waste. 1.8t although expensive is definitely worth it
    Yeah it will be way down the track though, i just spent 13k on rebuilding and converting my rx7 so I'm not particularly keen on going through all that again in the immediate future haha

  3. #13
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    There are two pumps, one is under the car the other is in the fuel tank. I tested the plug on the lift pump at just under 10v which is definitely odd.

  4. #14
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    Yeah i noticed that I'm thinking i may replace all the wiring to both pumps just for peace of mind and if it's still happening then at least i can cross that off from the possible reasons list

  5. #15
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    Running fresh wiring to the pumps would be a good idea. Maybe test the voltage at the fuse box first so you know which end has the vdroop

  6. #16
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    I replaced the wiring to the pumps and cleaned all connections and it was still only reading 10v, so I had my car booked into Eurotune yesterday and told them about the 10v at the pump and all the symptoms and the guy said it would probably be an ignition problem as everything runs through that, and when they inspected it they found the ignition switch was faulty, they ordered the part and I'll replace it on Thursday morning so hopefully that will fix all the fuel/starting issues

  7. #17
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    Glad to here you found what the problem was.
    I guess this means an extra key?
    Good luck and hope your back on the road again soon
    07 GTI
    APR stage II

  8. #18
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    It isn't too hard to modify the new ignition lock barrel to accept the old key but you need to do it before the new ignition switch goes in.

  9. #19
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    That's good!
    Hope Goodey's mechanic knows Paul!
    07 GTI
    APR stage II

  10. #20
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    Yeah i'm not too sure what they'll do about the key situation, keeping the same key for both the locks and the ignition would be great as I already have 2 keys for my other car (Solex door locks) I'll have to ask the guys when i go there Thursday morning!
    Luckily the problem isn't so bad and that the car has been drive-able the entire time the problem has been going on

    Who is this Paul character? haha

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