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Thread: Golf GTI Mk2

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyda View Post
    If its a legit 113,000ks and service record then yeah 6500 sounds good, as long as the rest of the car is in mint condition. Should be prity good at 113ks

    I'd want the interior and body work to be pretty clean as well for that price aswell.

    i like volkswagens
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  2. #12
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    Yep sounds OK, but I would try to haggle a bit anyway
    Wiht only 113K on it I would port the head & install a mild cam with the exhaust mod. Then you will be smiling

    What color is it?

  3. #13
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    Offer them $5K and wait for them to drop the price

  4. #14
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    Thanks for the replies again. Its in melbourne so i have not seen personally but my dad is flying over soon and he knows the GTI's well. Interior seems to be pretty original, only has a sports steering wheel. Its silver with black gt stripe from bonnet to back. Here it is I would change a few things on it but it looks to be fairly clean
    Last edited by VwJunkie; 10-12-2008 at 10:49 AM.
    ----[ Finished the search for a mk2 GTI]----
    1990 Golf Mk2 GTI
    276* cam
    2 1/4 in straight through exhaust
    H&R springs on KYB shocks

  5. #15
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by aliasmk2 View Post

    You hear lots of talk about smaller valves & a different ECU on this forum but I have not been able to find any documentation any where to back this up.
    I looked in to it and the RV engine is what they use in California where they have strict emission laws. The computer they use in California is Digi 1 as far as i know, due to the emission laws again. The computer in my aussie mk2 is a DigiII which is the same as in every other mk2. GolfLoon tells me there are some differences in the Aussie ecu and UK ecu but I dont know why a chip cant change that.

    I dont see any other way that a RV engine would have less power and less emissions than a PB engine other than a different head and less fuel. Maby the comp ratio is aswell due to the head?
    Last edited by Spyda; 10-12-2008 at 11:25 AM.
    MK1 GLS 3door
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyda View Post
    I looked in to it and the RV engine is what they use in California where they have strict emission laws. The computer they use in California is Digi 1 as far as i know, due to the emission laws again. The computer in my aussie mk2 is a DigiII which is the same as in every other mk2. GolfLoon tells me there are some differences in the Aussie ecu and UK ecu but I dont know why a chip cant change that.

    I dont see any other way that a RV engine would have less power and less emissions than a PB engine other than a different head and less fuel. Maby the comp ratio is as well due to the head?

    The ECU has the same part number world wide (except the US), although the last prefix letter changes on randomly world wide for no obvious reason
    The chips a dubious, but the existing ECU can be reflashed

    I think that I know the car in question from the forum.
    Again all of the negative talk is about very superficial parts like the the lights & stripes
    If it was a black one I would possibly go for it myself
    Last edited by aliasmk2; 10-12-2008 at 11:49 AM. Reason: update info

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Hey, the car itself looks in a great condition, apart from the stripe, tail lights and rear window tint which can all be changed back to original. So has anybody seen this car in person before? finding a gti in tassie is pretty hard, i wouldnt mind a vr6 either so if anybody knows of a mk2 or a vr6 in tassie or vic let me know
    ----[ Finished the search for a mk2 GTI]----
    1990 Golf Mk2 GTI
    276* cam
    2 1/4 in straight through exhaust
    H&R springs on KYB shocks

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    These are awesome cars and will be a great learning experience for someone like you. Everyone who is having a cry about too little power or too many doors should look realistically about the rarity and respect these cars get down under. I owned one for 5 years and loved it. Do get extractors and good tyres fitted and you'll be pleased. I'm now based in the uk and they do go a lot cheaper over here... if you like rust. This car should only set you back about $5k, especially with the molestation racing stripes.

    On test drive check for 2nd gear crunch (change quickly), hesitation to accelerate immediately when you put your foot down and the usual accident damage.

    Once you've bought it get used to the belts slipping in the rain causing your electrics to nearly fail, doorhandles breaking, heater stopping working and ridiculous amounts of fun.

    Take it easy

  10. #20
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    Prahran, Vic

    the 2nd gear crunch happens on nearly all of them. i don't think it's anything to worry about.

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