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Thread: Gol mk2 groan

  1. #1
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    Gol mk2 groan

    Ok so for a while now my car has been making a weird intermittent groan. I heard it from outside the car the other day and it was quite loud. It's seems to make the sound under load, anyone have any ideas? I've been searching other forums and haven't found out anything. Anyone had this problem or know what it is?
    91' Golf mk2 GTi 1.8t (soon to be gtx3076’d)
    Golf mk2 GTi 8v
    02' Audi S3 (soon to be gtx3076’d)

  2. #2
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    Anyone? I've been searching for months now and haven't fond anything. And I can't quite figure out where the sounds coming from.
    91' Golf mk2 GTi 1.8t (soon to be gtx3076’d)
    Golf mk2 GTi 8v
    02' Audi S3 (soon to be gtx3076’d)

  3. #3
    upload a video ...

    i see you have a 1.8T in your mk2. check that nothing it touching the engine under movement
    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  4. #4
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    Yeah, has it been after the 1.8T install?

  5. #5
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    Yeah started after the engine was installed. It's weird because it doesn't always happen. If it did I would've already found the problem. Nothing seems to be touching and I'm also running mk3 .5 Bfi mounts. Could it be a wheel bearing? At first I thought it could be that but it happens randomly and I thought a wheel bearing would be constant. I'll try yet a video, but itll be hard to do as It doesn't always do it.
    Last edited by Schalke04; 13-01-2014 at 02:00 PM. Reason: I'm illiterate
    91' Golf mk2 GTi 1.8t (soon to be gtx3076’d)
    Golf mk2 GTi 8v
    02' Audi S3 (soon to be gtx3076’d)

  6. #6
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    How did you hear it from outside the car?

    If you take it out of gear as soon as you hear the noise does it stop? Does it come back straight away when you go back into gear?

    How long does it last for?

    Does it happen on the same road under the same conditions?

    Does it sound like metal grinding metal?

    Does it happen only with a full fuel tank / empty fuel tank / half full?

    Only at night or only during the day?

    Only when hot or only when cold?

    Sorry for all the questions but each little bit of info helps pinpoint the problem.



  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    How did you hear it from outside the car?

    If you take it out of gear as soon as you hear the noise does it stop? Does it come back straight away when you go back into gear?

    How long does it last for?

    Does it happen on the same road under the same conditions?

    Does it sound like metal grinding metal?

    Does it happen only with a full fuel tank / empty fuel tank / half full?

    Only at night or only during the day?

    Only when hot or only when cold?

    Sorry for all the questions but each little bit of info helps pinpoint the problem.


    It lasts for about 5 seconds, I heard it when I was out if the car and my brother was driving it. It's usually 2-3 seconds groan. It sounds like a person making a deep groan. It doesn't sound like grinding metal, not sure about fuel tank. Happens hot and cold, night and day. It happens randomly on any type of road conditions. I will try take it out if gear next time. Does anyone know if it could be bushes? I'm going to upgrade to polyurethane when I have the money, have spare control arms and all ready.
    91' Golf mk2 GTi 1.8t (soon to be gtx3076’d)
    Golf mk2 GTi 8v
    02' Audi S3 (soon to be gtx3076’d)

  8. #8
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    The groaning sound has got me stumped. If it was a metalic or a high pitched sound that would make sense but what makes a low groaning sound? Something big moving and scraping? Motor / gearbox / exhaust? Could it be an exhaust joint occasionally opening slightly under load and it's the exhaust noise you can hear? Does anyone know if it's possible to get a vibration in a large flat piece of metal like a doorskin or bonnet that would make a groaning sound?

    Could it be one of your belts being too tight / loose and rubbing.

    The next time it happens back off straight away and check if the noise stops as soon as you take your foot off the accelerator. If it doesn't stop try putting it in neutral and see what happens. If we can't find what causes it then we work backwards and see what stops it.


    Last edited by sports racer; 14-01-2014 at 11:37 AM.

  9. #9
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    It's got the 1.8t belt set up, so it's the one belt. It seems to be coming from the front passengers side although I could be wrong. I though it was a cv at first but I have since swapped all my cvs and no improvement with the sound. I'm going to get a wheel alignment this week as it's way out ATM, if that works I will be shocked, but I'm hoping it's that so it's an easy fix.
    91' Golf mk2 GTi 1.8t (soon to be gtx3076’d)
    Golf mk2 GTi 8v
    02' Audi S3 (soon to be gtx3076’d)

  10. #10
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    Bump ttt
    91' Golf mk2 GTi 1.8t (soon to be gtx3076’d)
    Golf mk2 GTi 8v
    02' Audi S3 (soon to be gtx3076’d)


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