wishbone bushes???????
The poly ones on my A3 need a lube up once in a while. Dead rubber ones might be allowing something to rub.
hey PPlz.
My mk2 has developed a squeek.
Tonnes of road work on the way to work has been a bit hard on it the last few months and it developed a bit of a rattle in the front end.
sooo....last weekend i went all over the front end tweeking nuts and bolts (and found it could do with some bushes)..
the passanger side axle nut was pretty loose so i gave it a good tourque up.. all was fine (cept for my konis still rattling away) up untill monday night.... when cornering to the right it makes a weird squeeking sound (bit like rubber rubbing).
wont do it to the left or straight, but as soon as pressure is applied off center to the right it will squeek, gets louder the more you turn and also hit of the same sound under hard braking.
Just Jacked it all up and pulled the calliper off to see if it was something in the brakes, checked the axle nut, checket the cv boots and all looks fine.
Greases up the brake pins and gave all the rubbers a good lube....
now it does it in a straight line aswell as turning right, but the noise goes if i turn left......??? any ideas?
Doesn't "Clack" like a CV joint and wont do it when the fronts off the ground and car in gear turning both ways....seems to be only when the car has weight on it........ Wheel bearing?? doesn't groan though....
Help...lol.. Helgas wipers hate the rain!!
Cheers, Benny
wishbone bushes???????
The poly ones on my A3 need a lube up once in a while. Dead rubber ones might be allowing something to rub.
Hey Gavin, checked clearance and looked for marks of rubbing but couldnt see any... it seems to me its inthe actual shaft/ bearing area.
i had a 88 corolla GT years ago that made the a simaler sort of noise after i fitted a new clutch and found it to be the axle nut needed to be tightened more..it wasnt loose but took 2 of us hanging off a bar to tweak it up..
tried the same with this to no avail....
the noise is the same sort of squeak as if you jack a FWD car up, put it on full lock and hear the cv boots squeak a bit when the rubber rubs together..but this is amplified quite a lot. and it seems to be in one certain spot...once for every rotation on the wheel. Getting some new wheel bearings in soon, but im pretty shure that isnt the problem......
its pouring with rain here so i might have to take it to work tomorow ( helgas wipers, hmmmmm..haha )and see if it gets any worse. .. . . ah the joys of motoring, lol
Cheers, Benny
Problem solved.....
seems when the axle nut was loose before it has worn the shaft on the splines. so while driving the force isnt all taken by the splines but by the nut and lock washer to the back of the bearing.
therefore it comes loose after a few klms (enough to make the squeek)...
got a new Nut and some loctite for now....no more annoying sounds.
Cheers, Benny
Make sure it is very tight or you will chew out the bearing. Use a torque wrench.