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Thread: Front engine carrier to body bolt torque

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Dandenong North, Vic
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    Front engine carrier to body bolt torque

    I cant find any tightening torque value for the front engine carrier to the body in the Bentley manuals ? The 2 bolts on each side that hold the front bumper are torqued to 82NM but what about the bolt in bewteen them ? Anyone know ? Even the 82NM bumper bolts didnt seem that tight when I loosened the bolts off. Seems odd

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    I wouldn't get too hung up on torque settings.

    When you feel the bolt stretch, back it off 2 flats!! ;0)

    If you are really keen to do it spot on, look for another bolt of similar dimensions. From working on Robins car recently, I reckon it must have a 13 or 15mm head.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Dandenong North, Vic
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    Find it strange that if I dont have the bumper on, the 2 13mm bolts can support the front engine mount subframe. (1 on each side) Regardless there should be a torque setting, so 25nm ok for the 13mm ? I hate shearing bolts and threads

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
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    The two 10mm bolts with the 13mm head are only to stabilise the subframe. You really neeed the bumper on with the two big bolts to give the frame strength at the front.

    I just do those big bolts up pretty hard with a decent sized socket and have never had a problem.

    Like Gavin said, dont worry too much about torque settings. VWs have been sent all over the road and as if people in developing countries use a torque wrench
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