Welcome and congrats on the buy! There should be lots of info around on the conversion, vortex should definitely have info on there, ed38 possibly, eBay and online a basically your options when looking for parts, techtonics tuning, big boys toys and black Forrest industries are great sites, or get in contact with preeny (tpr engineering) as he can get anything and everything basically, an abf will generally come with an 02a box hanging off it which will do the task fine unless you turbo it and chase big hp it won't need beefing up, if your gonna do a bit of work on the motor I'd drop some cams (with all the associated parts as well, springs etc...) and go a twin dellorto/weber set up, old school cool and simplifys the install a bit, sounds fricken awesome too! There's heaps Iv missed but I'm sure some one else will take over!