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Thread: fresh to Mk2s.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    fresh to Mk2s.

    hey guys,
    i just bought a mk2 and i will post up pictures when i get it on Sat. however the motor has done 330k km and i think its time to retire it and put in a new heart. i am thinking of a 16v ABF however i have the below questions need answered.

    1. where to find one.
    2. looking to rebuild it so should i high comp it or keep it the same. also where is the place to find part of these motors.
    3 what would i need to consider when doing the conversion from 8v to 16v.
    4. what other options other than ABF i could consider.
    5. what tranny should i run if going down this path.

    i tried to have a look at the FAQ and DIY on vwvortex however there is no thread on 8v to 16v conversions......

    thanks guy, will post up pics when i pick it up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    perth, W.A
    Welcome and congrats on the buy! There should be lots of info around on the conversion, vortex should definitely have info on there, ed38 possibly, eBay and online a basically your options when looking for parts, techtonics tuning, big boys toys and black Forrest industries are great sites, or get in contact with preeny (tpr engineering) as he can get anything and everything basically, an abf will generally come with an 02a box hanging off it which will do the task fine unless you turbo it and chase big hp it won't need beefing up, if your gonna do a bit of work on the motor I'd drop some cams (with all the associated parts as well, springs etc...) and go a twin dellorto/weber set up, old school cool and simplifys the install a bit, sounds fricken awesome too! There's heaps Iv missed but I'm sure some one else will take over!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bentleigh, Melbourne
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    congrats!!! great to see more mk2 coming out of the closet and in MELBOURNE!!!
    two options with a 16v.. ABF 2.0L or KR 1.8L.. KR is a bit harder to find
    16v or VR6 would be the way to go... obviously i'm gonna say 16v, coz they're awesome!! and the VR6 is too heavy but packs a big punch stock.
    keep hunting on here, ebay etc. for engines. as for parts alot of stuff comes from UK/USA. so yeah TT, BBT/VWheritage, GAP, ECS etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    1. I'd be pointing you in the direction of Camden GTI
    2. Depends on you budget, do you want a daily driver, weekend driver or a track car?
    3. (awaits experts responses)
    4. Research and make up your own mind. (20VT, VR6 as mentioned)
    5. (awaits guru's responses)

    Oh and welcome to MK2 ownership
    Awaiting pics.
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
    80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown
    If it's an aussie 8v Gti as I'm guessing it is I'd definitely recommend going with the ABF as its "almost" plug and play in terms of wiring.
    As previously mentioned the ABF comes with the 02a gearbox and they're plenty strong enough to take just about everything you can throw at it, especially in a lighter mk2.
    Unless you plan on going for aftermarket injection I wouldn't bother with too many motor modifications. You'll be going from a tired ~110hp to a more fresh 150hp (~170 with a set of extractors and full exhaust) which will be reliable, run with standard management and on normal pump fuel with no risk of pinging due to higher compression.

    mk2 GTi 16v
    Corrado G60

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
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    You could also try Brian at GTI imports for a motor.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Thread Starter
    Thanks for all ur suggestions and help guys!!!! Ater much discussion, coming from a fully worked golf mk5 gti im going to decide on a 1.8l 20VTthanks to sean..... Will post up pictures when i pick it up on sat... This will be another lengthy money pit, i can see.....

    ---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

    as i promised, below is the MK2 GTI i will be picking up on Sat.
    a fair few kms on her but she should be prime for a rebuild....
    there is only a slight crack on the dash but its pretty much nice and clean!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Users Country Flag
    That's a tidy MK2! Dam the red paint looks nice!
    Just a thumbs up, although it is a lazy old 8v, for that reason they do last forever.
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
    80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Tony let's just drill holes in the airbox and revs the tits off it! (You have to save $$$ for that wedding of yours)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

    you know you want to VR6 it tony!

    i like volkswagens
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