Looks mint dude!
Thanks guys!
Golfmeup, finding all the worst of Sydney's roads now! Committing more pot holes and speed bumps to memory than ever now to try and plan my trips in advance, haha.
Looks mint dude!
Tell me about it I drive 5 minutes to work and have to go over 7 speed bumps, it's ridiculous!
2 door Golf MK2 Diesel in Poland
4 door Golf MK2 GTI in OZ
You're doing it wrong. I drive 90 ks to work in my MK2, have only 1 stop sign and 3 traffic lights.
I love living in the country!![]()
What does everyone use to keep their cut flares onto the guards? I've tried double sided tape at the top of the guard, but it only holds for a few days. Is there a better way to do it? What methods have people had success with?
Also, an update on my Mk2. I tore a CV boot, they were pretty brittle and I think the lowering was enough for them to let go. All the grease has come out of the inner left CV joint, and the joint is binding and making horrible sounds. I've ordered a new axle assembly from GAP and will try and rebuild the OG ones after I swap them out. In the meantime I'm trying not to drive it much.
You need to get some industrial strength double sided tape. Not the really thin type but the one with a layer of foam in between so it fits better between the guard and the flare. Stick it to as much of the guard as you can fit - more surface area to stick means more bonding.
I would try windscreen sealant. Just make sure that it is clean with a degreaser!
2 door Golf MK2 Diesel in Poland
4 door Golf MK2 GTI in OZ
Thanks guys, I'll try and find some industrial strength double sided tape and if that doesn't work I might try the windscreen sealant idea.
Looks cool as is! Leave the flares off and maybe go small bumpers?
Looks fresh mate! keep it up the good work!