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Thread: Crystal Headlights from TM Tuning

  1. #31
    brackie Guest

    Red face I'm a cheapskate

    Quote Originally Posted by syncro View Post
    You could have just bought P45t halogens instead.
    Yeah, Phill... But I already had the halogens sitting gathering dust on the shelf They came out of a car I sent to the crusher (a Pug....I think). Anyway, I get a buzz out of modifying things rather than going out and buying new.

    Your info about which globes were fitted to which cars is very useful. I'm trying to think of a way that we can archive items like that so that they're easily searchable. Watch this space!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Melborune, VIC
    Users Country Flag

    Like Phil, I too have ordered quite a few things from TMTuning, including crystal X-hair headlights. The headlights are good quality, bolt straight to my RHD UK GTI and can be adjusted as required for Warrant of Fitness tests, etc.

    They are based in Germany and all emails/calls go straight to Germany (I believe the US ph number makes it easier for them to tap that market).

    The shipping was quite cheap (for the amount of stuff ordered) and only took 3 weeks.

    They are a good company and considerably cheaper then the UK equivalents.

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