good stuff man, im looking at doing some work in my 8v in the near future, what have you done to yours exactly? and it your base timing set to +10 from tdc? and your cam set to +2? just wondering as mine is out a little and runs like a dog, it revs out but goes no where :/ and have been told its a base timing issue, i beleive +6 is right from factory? you got a link to a build thread or anything, keen to read more!
Yeah thats correct the ignition timing is set at 10 deg and the cam timing at 2 deg.
As for factory +6 is factory, but this is at 2300RPM not idle AND with the blue temp sender connector disconnected (very important). The ECU will use this as a base to make adjustments to the timing based on readings from the knock and temp sensors when the blue temp sensor is connected again when driving or whatever. From what I understand this can catch a few non vw workshops out.
Other things to check for timing are:
Blue temp sensor (Part: 025 906 461B)is working as this will act as an ignition control module depending on the temperature of the engine (eg cold start)
Knock sensor (Part #: 054 905 377G) Vibrations in engine block will cause the quartz crystal inside knock sensor to produce a small voltage. The ECU monitors this small voltage. Ignition timing is retarded 3 degrees initially when detonation begins to occur. Timing is retarded only in the cylinder which is detonating.
or for fuelling
O2 sensor (Part: 030 906 025) . This can become fowled up over time and send incorrect info to the ECU so in turn it will not send the correct info to your injectors.
The lines from the fuel pressure regulator (located just under the inlet manifold on the right hand side of the fuel rail behind the rocker cover) to your air box as it is vacum operated and you want to make sure you are fuelling the whole way through the rev range. Also check all the connections between the AMM and the inlet manifold
But can be hard to diagnose; especially when they are getting a few years and k's on them. I dont really have a build thread at the momment, but I have been keeping a file so I will put something together and if you like I can PM you a list.
Also this is just my understanding and I may be incorrect in some areas so any changes and feedback is more than welcome!!!
Last edited by NeuSpeedGTI; 25-02-2011 at 09:31 PM.
blue temp sender? on top of the water flange? yeh man shoot me a pm, that would be awesome and thanks for all the help, ill be in the shed tomorrow checking all these things out! should keep me busy for a little bit haha! i dont have an air box btw :/ fitted with a k&n pod when i got it, its old and broken and likes to fall off though so its getting binned soon as! oh and AMM? sorry, im pretty mechanically minded, you say fuel pressure reg or something like that i know what im doing but when the abbreviations start im farked haha
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