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Thread: Camshaft Identification

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Mosman, NSW

    Camshaft Identification

    Hi all,
    I have two camshafts from various sources. Both have the same lift (Base circle:33.6, tip of lobe:43.7) of 10.1mm, they seem to have the same profile (when looking along them), however, the stamps/markings are different.

    The cam that is currently installed in my 8v digi 90' Mk2 has:
    G 6a 026 Mexico
    G6 3ME (audi/vw circles)

    The cam that is laying around has:
    WZO 2263 (triangle)
    026 (although could be 028 ) Germany (audi/vw circles)

    Can anyone help decypher these codes?
    Just from the codes, should one of these offer me better performance?
    And, without going to an expensive aftermarket performance cam, do I have the best "stock" cam that was/is this is my aim.

    As a side note, I've recently completed replacing the stock with the Mk3 downpipe and manifold mod (with thanks to Golf Loon for his advice, it was still a bitch of a job, I have many scars to prove it) and I can report a noticeable difference in the feel (and noise) of the car .

    Thanks all,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Glad you got the thing together, nice work.

    I think those two cams are the same, just one made in Germany and one in Mexico. The 026 is the standard Digi Cam.

    The one you want is a G Grind cam from a kjet 8v with a G promenantly stamped on it somewhere. Thats the best stock cam.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Mosman, NSW
    Thread Starter

    Hey Matt.
    It makes sense that these are the same, however, are these 026's the originals that came with the Jap/Aus spec cards, or has this car already had its cam replaced by a Euro std spec?

    I guess I'll be hunting ebay for a Kjet. Any idea of the lift/duration/markings that I can use to ID the KJet G Grind. I only ask as the Mexico cam has a prominent G on it, much bolder than the other markings.



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