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Thread: Beaten down by a Nova.

  1. #111
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    You just need triple jointed wrists and the abilty to dislocate your own elbows .

    Not too bad really.

    Ideally done on a hoist but do-able in your driveway - will require some patience. Soak everything in WD40 the night before.


  2. #112
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    May 2005
    also i have found exhaust nuts and bolts normally come off best while warm (not hot ) and soak in wd40, also 8v motor do benifit from extractors
    cheers brenton
    MK1 4door
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  3. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Loon View Post
    Your car has no mods to help brething.
    It has a restrictive exhaust and a chip that is throwing in too much fuel. The chip is probably designed for a european spec Golf 2 so with an aussie one it is throwing in massively too much fuel.

    Sounds like the o2 sensor is dodgy and that controls lots of things with the ecu.

    You need a thermostat in the car and some coolant. i`d change the temp sensors as they are probably rooted from sitting in coffee!

    You need to put stock bits on the car until you get it running right then you can improve things. Using random BMW parts will not help it run right.

    Good Luck
    I changed the o2 sensor, it helped alot but the problem is still there. It revs alot easyer but still hesitates a little and the lag through 4-5k rpm is just 2 short kicks. Still not happy with that though and it could have just been a lucky day.

    I replaced the thermostat, flushed the system and filled it with new coolant, it hasnt changed anything the car still stays on the right edge of the fat white line and at speed it will go down. A big pointless job!!

    Whats normal oil temp btw? Mine reads 100-110C.

    I have tried puting stock bits back on the car, stock working parts and nothing changes. As far as i remember the problems where there before i started messing with stuff.
    MK1 GLS 3door
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  4. #114
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    How are you setting up your MAF sensor ?
    MK2 GTI G60

  5. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussieg60 View Post
    How are you setting up your MAF sensor ?
    Right about now im ready to set the whole car up with a slege hammer.

    Stupid POS, its one thing after another, ive got some ****ty sound coming from the belts or alternator or something!!!!!!!!!

    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  6. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyda View Post
    Right about now im ready to set the whole car up with a slege hammer.

    Stupid POS, its one thing after another, ive got some ****ty sound coming from the belts or alternator or something!!!!!!!!!

    a rubbing sound? or a bearing sound?

    check the alternator is still charging, with an ammeter. battery should be around 12-13Volts when off, and when on, the alt should bump that up to a (pretty constant) 14odd Volts.

    check also the alternator belt isn't slipping (voltage would drop when running a bit, and be unsteady. and would produce a rubbing noise.)

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  7. #117
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    Where abouts are you in Melb ? Buz out your wiring loom with a multimeter and make sure thats ok with all the signals getting to the large ecu connector.

    PM me if you need a hand with that.
    MK2 GTI G60

  8. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    a rubbing sound? or a bearing sound?

    check the alternator is still charging, with an ammeter. battery should be around 12-13Volts when off, and when on, the alt should bump that up to a (pretty constant) 14odd Volts.

    check also the alternator belt isn't slipping (voltage would drop when running a bit, and be unsteady. and would produce a rubbing noise.)
    Yeah i checked that, it seems to be okay. Steady 14.7 or something. Its sounds kindo like a supercharger.
    My mate says it could be power steering, as he had a smilar noise coming from his magna and it was the power steering.
    I did have all the belts off when i was puting the thermostat in and the power steering pump completly out (with the intention of replacing it) but i dunno how i could have damaged it.

    I have used a wax stick on the belts, that didnt help though. The noise seems to be dieing down but i havnt realy had a good listen resently.

    Quote Originally Posted by aussieg60 View Post
    Where abouts are you in Melb ? Buz out your wiring loom with a multimeter and make sure thats ok with all the signals getting to the large ecu connector.

    PM me if you need a hand with that.
    Im near tullamarine, broadmedows, that area. That sounds like a good idea, ill try and find some time to do that and will PM you for some help.

    I dont get the temp problem.
    The heater works
    The temp guage goes up past the white line when the fan is disconected.
    The fan comes on by itself when the car is getting to warm.
    But the guage never goes past the fat white line.

    The full throttle problem is still there, a BIT better after the o2 sensor, but still a problem.

    Im realy greatful for all the suport guys, it does mean alot.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  9. #119
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    I'm thinking the noise could be the cam belt tensioner. If the belt is too tight it will make a whining sound like a supercharger or a race car engine. Have you recently had the cam belt replaced? If you have replaced the belt did you put a new tensioner in?
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  10. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bora Sport View Post
    I'm thinking the noise could be the cam belt tensioner. If the belt is too tight it will make a whining sound like a supercharger or a race car engine. Have you recently had the cam belt replaced? If you have replaced the belt did you put a new tensioner in?
    ditto, or the belt could just be too tight (mine was too tight)

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