If they're out there, please show me! hahaha. You may remember I was looking for a bonnet back in March when I had the accident. You were very helpful then.
Damn Josh, sounds like me 6 months back! The parts are out the somewhere.
07 GTI
APR stage II
If they're out there, please show me! hahaha. You may remember I was looking for a bonnet back in March when I had the accident. You were very helpful then.
Yes I do remember Josh.
Surely there is some parts around Sydney someone is willing to sell off. (Any VVWers?)
I think I have the only road going Mk2 in the Northern Rivers area and bugger all parts for it!
Most of the parts I have sourced have been from either VVW members, G.A.P or ebay
I managed to source a straight bonnet 30mins from my work which really surprised me.
I'll keep an eye out for bits for you mate.
Last edited by golfmeup; 23-08-2014 at 10:58 PM. Reason: Blatant miss spelling
07 GTI
APR stage II
Thanks mate! I'm keeping my eyes open for one! I may end up just having a go at panel beating/bogging/painting. They didn't teach me that at uni! Going to end in tears.