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Thread: another Kjet problemooooo

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Asaka-shi Saitama Japan (from Tassie)
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    another Kjet problemooooo

    Ran into a spot of bother...
    I replaced the main pump resivour on the gti on monday...
    cleaned everything up (the pump is less than 2 years old)....put it back together ,run the pick up pump to get fuel into resivour, for about 8-10 sec..wired it all up and off she went...all was well......finished up and didn't think anymore of it. Started raining yesterday (uncommon in tassie lol)...
    Went to move the go tried to start but just wouldnt go...
    Same symptoms I had when the main pump decided to go....
    I now have a relay that primes the system twice when u turn the key. so i turned it on and off a few times and still no go.....

    Left it for about 2 hours turned the key......ran on 2-3 cyl for about 10 seconds then was fine. Went for a drive went ok, no probs..turned it off left it for a couple of hours, started fine again...

    Went out thismorning and same thing.....ran the pumps a couple of times and it fired but on 2-3 cyl again blowing some fuel smoke..... let it idle for about 10 mins and it came right again.....

    Strange that it has done this only since the new resivour went in...
    Double checked everything, all seemed fine.
    I dont have a pressure tester but all the flow rates of the pumps are just above what they should be. The check valve on the pump is new.

    Any ideas???

    once its going it runs fine............ just has issues starting when cold it seems, and when it does start it sounds like a damn subaru!!!.....
    Cheers, Benny

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Orange NSW
    Leaking injectors? They could be leaking and filling the inlet with fuel when it sits for a while. When you go to start it, it fouls the plugs and looks rich, then comes good.

    Only a suggestion, one of the Kjet whizz's might chime in and tell you exactly what it is.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  3. #3
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    all that seems fine.... I know most of my way around the system but all the tests im able to do with the tools i have point to everything being ok. lol...

    I'm thinking its a pressure problem........... I dont like what I'm thinking
    Cheers, Benny

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    Leaking injectors? They could be leaking and filling the inlet with fuel when it sits for a while. When you go to start it, it fouls the plugs and looks rich, then comes good.

    Only a suggestion, one of the Kjet whizz's might chime in and tell you exactly what it is.

    Would be my guess too. I have had plenty of K-jettters in the past. Run the motor and then switch it off. Then pull the injectors out of the manifold and look for leaks.

    The best thing to do IMO would be buy a pressure tester for the K-jet system and following the troubleshooting guide in the Haynes Manual.

    You could leave it connected for a while and see if the residual pressure drops too quickly indicating a leaky injector/s


  5. #5
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    Cheers Gavin...
    Got the manual, and a tonne of Kjet related books etc...
    But no pressure
    I'll have a bit of a look in the morning....

    Just weird it has done this since I have done the resivour ...
    Cheers, Benny

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 86gti View Post
    Cheers Gavin...
    Got the manual, and a tonne of Kjet related books etc...
    But no pressure
    I'll have a bit of a look in the morning....

    Just weird it has done this since I have done the resivour ...

    The reservour may have been leaking worse than your injectors, and now that your res. has been fixed, your pressure weak point is your injectors, so now the pressure is bleeding off through them.

    Make sense?

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by 86gti View Post
    Cheers Gavin...
    Got the manual, and a tonne of Kjet related books etc...
    But no pressure
    I'll have a bit of a look in the morning....

    Just weird it has done this since I have done the resivour ...
    Are you talking about the accumulator? Can you do a picture of the bit you changed? So I know we are talking about the same thing.

  8. #8
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    the black tank the main pump goes into.......

    its pre pressure the pressure is after the pump.....
    the tank is just what the pump feeds from.
    Cheers, Benny

  9. #9
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    I always think of the accumulator on the MK1. Basically it removes pulses in the pump pressure. All it is, is a spring behind a diaphragm. I odn't see that it would be connected to your problem at this stage.

    I'd still look for leaky injectors and maybe check the spray patterns, to make sure one isn't significantly different to the others.

    I don't know if the control pressure regulator/warm up reg has started to fail. I have only seen good and bad ones though.

    The bad ones you have to baby into life and have no power until the engine has warmed up quite a bit. Due to a weak mixture. They run really rough/lumpy and don't respond to throttle from tickover very well.

    Once up to temp the engine runs perfectly.

    I haven't seen ones that got progressively worse and wouldn't dream of buying a new one for troubleshooting due to the massive cost.

    Just another though, the cold start injector isn't leaking is it? Maybe you should check that too.


  10. #10
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    Cheers Gavin......
    Well...Today. It did basicly what you said.
    Started fine, idle fine, but as soon as i put any more than 1500 rpm on it, it started to die.....Take foot off and it was fine......
    Let it idle for no more than 15 sec and it was fine!!

    Weird thing about the WUR is that when i got the car the WUR was unpluged..
    And it stayed that way for a fair while,( i didnt know what the hell it was 3 years ago) had no problem starting back then....but It's been pluged back in for about 2 years now...

    Ive been going to order a pressure test kit for a while now.....
    Now i guess its a good time to get it...........

    I'll get the multi meter out after lunch and have a bit of a look.
    Cheers, Benny

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