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Thread: Air conditioning issues and questions

  1. #1
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    Air conditioning issues and questions

    Hi guys

    1990 Mk2 golf GTI

    Went to get my aircon system re gased and the mechanic just called and said he was having an issue putting the gas into the system.

    Has anyone had this issue before?

    These systems run on the old R12 gas which is hard to find and no one stocks it(due to the CFC in R12 being a banned gas).... Could this be the issue?

    Can you put the new gas types into the system and have it work properly ?
    If the compressor is stuffed can I put a Mk3 one in ?

    Any input would be appreciated...

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  2. #2
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    if your system still has R12 in it, it will have to be completely flushed (compressor, evaporator & condensor). R134 cannot be mixed with R12 and requires new barrier hoses. Aircon work can get very expensive. If you still want to go ahead, you might want to change to a more efficient parallel flow condensor. Investige and compare the cost of fixing up your existing system or if it might be more economical to get a whole new kit that has a new compressor, TX valve, evaporator and condensor. you also have to consider the labour cost involved.

  3. #3
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    Air conditioning issues and questions

    Hi and thanks for the reply

    The R12 gas has been completely removed from the system... The issue at the moment is that we cant get the new gas into the system...

    So are you saying that the system will not be able to handle the new gas?

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  4. #4
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    Assuming the mech has replaced all the neccessary parts, I dare say this may be what he means,

    R12 vs R134A fittings.
    But that still confuses me as R134A adapter fittings are readily available?

    Also, fred, I don't suppose you can recommend a place that does custom A/C work?
    The standard A/C system in MK2's are so woeful.
    Last edited by ryana89; 09-02-2013 at 08:28 PM.
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Fonz View Post
    Hi and thanks for the reply

    The R12 gas has been completely removed from the system... The issue at the moment is that we cant get the new gas into the system...

    So are you saying that the system will not be able to handle the new gas?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    There is a retro-fit kit available to convert from the old gas to the new gas . You'll need to change the receiver dryer as a minumum . If its physically not going in it sounds like the compressor is buggered !
    Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution

  6. #6
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    Hi All,
    happy to help out Fonz.

    Good point about the fittings Ryan28. Sorry no recommendations, my friend who did stuff like this retired due to health reasons. For my own aircon work, I do the remove and replace bits myself and go to an aircon shop to get the evacuation and R134 gas done. The issue with earlier euro cars is that their systems catered to cooler outside temps, longer winters and shorter mild summers. For your mk2 a parallel flow condensor and good radiator fans for when stuck in traffic are good upgrades. You might try discussing a system with aircon shops you are familiar with and go from there. You should be able to gauge who is competent, willing to do the work at reasonable rates. I mentioned before, aircon work can get very expensive because of what is invloved.

    Thanks for reminding us about changing the receiver/dryer Bug racer. it is an important part of the system.
    Last edited by fred27; 10-02-2013 at 08:24 AM.

  7. #7
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    Thanks guys

    This is why i love good forums like this one... such a plethora of knowledge and very helpful.. Will go see the car and the mechanic early Monday morning and mention what you have said and try and nut this thing out....

    will let you know the outcome


  8. #8
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    ok .. just to let everyone know

    the system had already been retrofitted for the R134 Gas...

    We flushed the whole system out and could not believe the gunk that came out and then installed a new TX valve and tried to refill and found the flow to be alittle bit better but not good enough.....a bit more investigation and as it turns out the compressor is stuffed..

    Your not wrong on Price Fred... brand new compressor = $600.00......TX Valve $80...labour costs not that much as its a mate of mine

    anyway lots of hot days still ahead and will be grateful that i got it fixed...

    Thanks for your input and info guys

  9. #9
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    Redmk2gti has a new compressor + drier for sale for less than $600.

    Brand new Mk2 A/C compressor and receiver dryer
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
    80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...

  10. #10
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    Air conditioning issues and questions

    Thanks for the offer but I have already ordered and received the new compressor...

    Might buy it just for spares...I will message red to see if he still got it

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