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Thread: 91 mk2 gti front end vibration??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Asaka-shi Saitama Japan (from Tassie)
    Users Country Flag

    sounds like a wheel balance problem....switch you fronts to the rear and see what it does.
    if it fixes it get the others balanced....also look for fractures in the tyre sidewall..that will also make em vibrate,
    Cheers, Benny

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    The normal test for a CV joint would be to put it under the most pressure. This would be whilst at an extreme angle ie under full lock.

    I had one fall apart on my MK1 whilst on full lock. A new one did clear a slight wobble whilst going straight ahead but under any lock it was sounding awful.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    bradbury nsw
    you forgot to mention if the sound goes away when airborne

  4. #14
    cynanbrace Guest

    Quote Originally Posted by Tulyar View Post
    Have come across a number of sets of CV joints doing this but not displaying the usual full lock symptoms that Gavin is referring to. The one thing they all had in common is that they had done around the 110,000 miles mark when it started. Generally it started at 80mph and as it became worse the vibration would cut in at lower and lower speeds. The only evidence I found was to look at the bearings under a magnifying glass and you could see the pitting in the surface. Only other related symptom with this Ive come across is very slight play in taking drive up from stationary.

    Have come across a few friends that swore blind the noise was coming from the front and it turned out to be either a rear wheel bearing or square rear tyres! Swapping wheels front to rear is a quick test to confim the latter!!

    Square front tyres are normally noticeable at much lower speeds than 40mph in my experience.

    Hello All,
    Thank you for your various suggestions.....we have a joint
    got the car with 110000 miles on the clock now (112500) very loud vibration at lower and lower speeds and crunching/clunking at full lock......
    Latest in a continuing saga....shocks, clutch, ecu because of clutch (fuel poured out the air intake and filled up sump; exhaust full of oil-smoked like a b*tch>>got pulled over by the cops!!!) still.....lovely little car

    Cheers Cy

    p.s. The ecu code for my 91' was 037 906 022 DB all i could get was 037 906 022 seems to work that gonna be a problem?

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