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Thread: 2l bottom end 1.8 digi head.

  1. #21
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    I remembered something!

    There's a steep hill about 2ks long on the way home from work. With the 1.8 I could get up the hill all the way in 5th gear if I hit it at 120 k's but by the time I got to the top I was only doing 60. With the 2.0 I sit on 100 ks and can clear the top at 80, still in 5th.

  2. #22
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    Forgot to mention, I also rebuilt the gearbox. (Minor rebuild as all bearings are less than 10,000k old) I just did the seals and clips.

    It developed a nasty leak from the input seal, turns out last time I rebuilt it I pushed the seal in to far blocking a oil hole . We'll I hope that's why it leaked.
    I also mixed 1st and 5th synchro around, now it should be a lot happier to change.

    Ps I now have a spare brand new 020 main bearing available if anyone needs to do a rebuild ( not a cheap in aus)

    I'll update how it all turns out
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  3. #23
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    Hi I finished putting it back in the car but it won't start!
    Got fuel , got spark... Kind of the 1.8 starter is having issues cranking it over, but gets it turning.

    One question on the timing on the intermediate shaft.. How important is it ?. I'm pretty sure the intermediate timing is off by quite a bit, but one article I looked at stated it's not important. ( by the way that was for timing a mk3 )

    Do I need to get the intermediate shaft timing fixed?

    Ps anyone got a cheap started motor that will crank the 2l over with ease?
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  4. #24
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    Fuel and spark is fine but you have to have it at the right time, the intermediate shaft is crucial mate itll knock the dizzy out, there is a way it should sit, when top and bottom is at TDC the centre of the rotor arm should face the nick in the dizzy no matter what way you have it. If its pointing to number 1, then number 4 is ALWAYS across from that leaving only 2 cyls to work out which is very easy.
    Alba European
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  5. #25
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    Hi Jmac
    So as long as the rotor arm is pointing to the nick in the dizzy at TDC then all should be good, or is there more the the intermediate shaft setting ?
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  6. #26
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    It's set a 1,3,4,2
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  7. #27
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    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    Top and bottom at TDC, rotor arm in centre of nick, and of course that will be number 1 lead on that portion of the dizzy, number 4 straight across from that and only 2 and 3 to work out which is easy. that's it, you can spin the shaft 180 if you like as long as the dizzy is configured right.
    Alba European
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  8. #28
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    Greater news !
    The engin gist up and running ! Sounds smooth . Can't wait to get it on the road... But there is a problem
    The imput shaft on the 020 is still leaking! . New seals but still leaking .
    When I spent the imput shaft there was not notable play so if got one idea why... Maybe the main bearing is shot. That's one thing I haven't replaced. But if it was shot I would think there would be some play.. Nothing, just a leak. Could I have over filled it?
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  9. #29
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    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    So what was the issue, ign timing??
    Alba European
    Service, Diagnostics and repairs. Mobile Diag available on request
    Audi/VW/Porsche Factory trained tech 25+ yrs exp
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  10. #30
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    Hmm not 100% sure, but I think I was 180 degrees out. I ended up pulling it all off and redoing the timing!

    I also found my started does the job just fine, but was being hindered by the alternator. I'll explain - I used the wrong alternator support bracket (the part that bolts to the head) anyway the one I originally used was to low, I didn't notice at first , but when I tightened the alternator belt, the bracket was pushing down on the fan bit on the alternator, thus jamming the alternator so it wouldn't spin, wonder the right bracket was in place, she kicks over happy.

    Looks like I may have used the wrong imput seal on the gearbox, I ordered all the parts from GAP, they included both small and large seals as I wasn't sure which one I needed,.
    When I put the seal on it seamed fine, but seeing it's leaking I can only assume I needed to use the smaller on (21x9x40).

    Oh well out she comes again!

    Ps went for a quick dash and I can feel the difference with the 2L.
    Fix the gearbox, give it a tune , woohoo !!!
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

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