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Thread: 16v abf, yeah boy

  1. #141
    Join Date
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    Sydney, finally
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    last night I was given a date so it looks as if I could finally be here mid month, I can't imagine the car being ready and legal by the end of next month but I would like suggestions re insurance broker, I've always had the car insured in the uk on a classic car agreed valuation policy with salvage rights, does anyone do the same thing out there.

    and the next stupid question is when s the first local Sydney meet at the end of next month
    Don't know where I'm going but I do know where I've been

  2. #142
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUBY View Post

    last night I was given a date so it looks as if I could finally be here mid month, I can't imagine the car being ready and legal by the end of next month but I would like suggestions re insurance broker, I've always had the car insured in the uk on a classic car agreed valuation policy with salvage rights, does anyone do the same thing out there.

    and the next stupid question is when s the first local Sydney meet at the end of next month
    Shannons is the place. Agreed value and buy back if you wreck it etc. No idea if they are the cheapest etc. I have used them since getting to Australia, except for a brief time with Just Car.

    You get discounts for multiple policies, they do home and contents plus $10 grand extra for tools and accessories in you garage/shed.


  3. #143
    Join Date
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    mega, thank you

    Just rented a house with a tripple garage so I feel a mk3 rat coming along for fun or dare I say it an old BM, having the tools and garage covered would be epic
    Don't know where I'm going but I do know where I've been

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I use Shannon's. More expensive but worth it. Best is your choice of repairer. Just need to find one to fix my damage!

    You renting or buying? Where abouts? Who's looking after the car re: engineering, rego etc?

  5. #145
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    I'm going to jump in and say go with Shannon's as well.
    Best insurance company to deal with from my experience. Plus they where the only insurer to give me time of day when I was looking for quotes!
    All 3 of my parents cars are with Shannon's too, & have been for years.
    1976 VW Golf "Swallowtail" - Rallye Red (long term resto)
    2009 Pirelli GTI - Stg3 killer
    2009 R36 Passat - Daily baller
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Jones View Post
    You take corners on three wheels, and V8's can't catch you.

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown
    Looking forward to seeing you and the car out here mate.

    I'm with Lumley Special Vehicles. Have always had "quotes" from Shannons, but Lumley are better and half the cost. Buy back, choice of repairer, glass cover, life time rating one. Its funny I always tell the people giving me quotes from Shannons I've had cheaper quotes elsewhere and they're like "where?" and I say Lumley, and they say "oh we'll never be able to beat Lumley"

    mk2 GTi 16v
    Corrado G60

  7. #147
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    A build I admire. Bring her to Australia?
    Last edited by robbie; 27-06-2012 at 11:23 PM.

  8. #148
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    she's there, I'm not, it's a long distance romance at the moment
    Don't know where I'm going but I do know where I've been

  9. #149
    Join Date
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    Ballajura, W.A
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    Your car is a work of art!

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Just read your article.. Sweet Jose!!

    Any news on the TSR 2.0l conversion parts?

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