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Thread: A story i felt like sharing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Melbourne, VIC
    Users Country Flag

    A story i felt like sharing

    So tonight i was chillin in my car listening to music and just as i do, a car pulls up right in front of me, and high beams me, literally i could see ****. so i put my high beams on... eh eh it was an undercover..3 actually.

    So they come up to me, and ask..."why were you high beaming us" (anyone who knows me btw knows i have a pretty short fuse..especially to smartass's) so i stay calm and say well, u were blinding me, and i though u were just some punks so i saw it fit. Nyway, this piece of **** says "no we didn't" then shines his light in my eyes and says "are you getting high?" "people get high around here" (which i knew cause my friends do.. not me though) I say no.... does it look like im getting high? does it smell? im just listening to music...

    "step outside the car" no worries, "why are you being smart" (this is when i got pissed off)

    are you serious man...? u come here, high beam me, dont show your badge (were in casual clothes all three) and dont even try level with me before you accuse..i dont think im the smart one..

    (the battle begins)

    GET THIS! (funny part) this dumb son of a, looks at the carpet and sees mess, and says "what is this?" i say its foam from my seat because its old..(mk2) he REPLIES! (i swear) no it isnt, its not from your seat, "IS THIS CHUFF?" and then it was on, hahahaha

    i go, are you joking me? he's like what? im like your using marijuana slang with me..? CHECK THE WHOLE CAR I DONT CARE! rip the seats out, then he goes' not everything u say needs to be smart' he goes, u high beam us, like a smartass when we come up to you, keep being smart and i will dismantle your entire car.

    THEN! i say, you really think im this stupid? i go in my car, get a pen and paper, ask for his title, where he works, everything, then i say "btw your on surveillance" theres cameras everywhere here, my house one shines right on that joint and so does the shops one, and he finally shuts the **** up ohhhh" if youd just apologise then this wouldnt have escalated", i said i have no reason to apologise, you are in the wrong more than me, i have done nothing wrong but tell the truth and you should apologise.

    "heres your licence" "get your seats fixed" (SILENCE AND STARING) hahahah then they got in and ****ed off to the house of wood and hay or whatever.

    Anyway, sometimes my attitude can get me in trouble, but sometimes it pulls me through!

    This literally happened an hour ago so im still pissed off!

    Lesson--> VDUBS can get you in trubs, and not all police are cool, however some are that is true.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Users Country Flag
    Arh cops! Pricks when they bail you up, heroes when they get someone else.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Hate it when cars behind me have high beams on - I usually turn on my rear fog light and see if they get the hint


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