I dunno about you guys, but I crack up when I see this guy on his videos..... Rednecks are a pissa
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I dunno about you guys, but I crack up when I see this guy on his videos..... Rednecks are a pissa
Hahaha. That's pretty funny.
Must be up close to Canada by the accent.
One for the missus
Haha. Seen it before but definitely worth another watch!!
YouTube - Hitler reacts to Chev badges on Commodores
funny video.... laughed and cried
Agh, he talked so fast in that ad, I could only get it after like three double-takes! Funny tho
they were analysing the old spice advert on gruen transfer on wednesday.
Brilliantly done advert filmed for real with very little CGI involved
an italian, a frenchman and an australian are talking about sex
The italian says when I finish making love to my girl she levitates 6 inches off the bed
The frechman says after 6 hours of continuous love making my girl levitates3 feet off the bed
The australian says struth mate when I finish rootin me sheila, I get off the bed wipe me cock on the curtains and she goes through the roof
I love that joke. :D
Had this sent to me this morning. Epic fail...
Apparently this was taken last week on Old Northern Road Albany Creek, QLD.
It has about 2 tonnes of concrete blend and 200kg bags of cement in the back.