Sigh once again the constant vocal objections of a few are ruining it for the majority who use this section.
If you constantly find this section so offensive to your tastes and you have to vocalise this as well then why do you come to this section?
Also to those that whinge about hypocrisy in this section when their post/thread gets moderated. See where this has got us now. Instead of having the good grace to just suck it up, build a bridge and get over it, we now stand a very good chance of losing this awesome section.
You want to hear a dirty joke?
The boy/girl/transgender person (we don't want to be sexist here do we) fell in the mud.
Now you want to hear a clean joke?
They then had a shower. I will clarify though that this shower was only for 4 minutes and with a water saving shower head so as not to upset any environmentally concerned people.