View Poll Results: Do we remain relaxed about moderating the humour section

53. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes, we understand it is harmless fun and we will report posts if we dont like them

    51 96.23%
  • No, it should be strict moderating.

    2 3.77%
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Thread: Humour Section under attack

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FJ Steve View Post

    laughs , i dont think he was serious lol

  2. #32
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    Sigh once again the constant vocal objections of a few are ruining it for the majority who use this section.

    If you constantly find this section so offensive to your tastes and you have to vocalise this as well then why do you come to this section?

    Also to those that whinge about hypocrisy in this section when their post/thread gets moderated. See where this has got us now. Instead of having the good grace to just suck it up, build a bridge and get over it, we now stand a very good chance of losing this awesome section.

    You want to hear a dirty joke?
    The boy/girl/transgender person (we don't want to be sexist here do we) fell in the mud.
    Now you want to hear a clean joke?
    They then had a shower. I will clarify though that this shower was only for 4 minutes and with a water saving shower head so as not to upset any environmentally concerned people.

    Last edited by Treza360; 25-04-2009 at 12:50 PM.

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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikepologti View Post
    laughs , i dont think he was serious lol
    Yep the big font word that is spelled in white probably gives that away hey (not that I condone it in any manner).

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  4. #34
    Logzy Guest
    We are not living in the 1950's anymore.
    Surely these days we can all handle a bit of humour and swearing these days, especially when most of it is heard on the radio or seen on the TV.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treza360 View Post
    .............I will clarify though that this shower was only for 4 minutes and with a water saving shower head so as not to upset any environmentally concerned people.

    Hahaha awesome mate! Always best to cover all basis!
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  6. #36
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    Well the stats currently sit at 33-2.... and I was more than happy to put my vote amongst the 32 others happy with the humour thread.

    What a sad and dull place this forum would be without humour and with tight restrictions on every thread created....heading a main rule of VAG CONTENT ONLY! (excuse the pun).

    I truly feel sorry for these internet vigilanties who are just out to whinge and complain, keeping a hawk eye on anything that may be even slightly politically incorrect. If you think some content is bad here, go and join boostcruising or rexnet for a week and you'll realise how clean and straight we are here, and what a great FRIENDLY community has been built up....with obviously a huge thanks to the mods for steering it in the right direction.

    As has been said, no one is forcing you to look at the content in the humour section. If you look at it, that's your problem. If it's 'that bad', just don't go to the section and you will have no issues. I agree I have seen some content that is questionable, but that particular thread/page will disappear in a matter of days never to be seen again. Don't whinge to the mods every time, they've got plenty to do already.

    On that note, I'm off to the humour section to have my morning laugh (much better than coffee).

    Mods, the I's have it, /thread

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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treza360 View Post
    You want to hear a dirty joke?
    The boy/girl/transgender person (we don't want to be sexist here do we) fell in the mud.
    Now you want to hear a clean joke?
    The they then had a shower. I will clarify though that this shower was only for 4 minutes and with a water saving shower head so as not to upset any environmentally concerned people.
    GOLD! I laughed a lot at that one

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  8. #38
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    For people who find it offensive; looking at this section is like playing with a piece of poo..

    You know that playing with it will get your hands dirty and smelly, so don't!

    You know that looking at this section will upset you, so don't!
    2002 Volkswagen Bora V5 - 2007 Mazda 3 GT - 1998 Ford Contour Sport - 2010 Volkswagen Jetta 2.0T - 2013 Volkswagen Passat 130TDI - 2015 Ford Escape 1.5 - 2016 Subaru WRX - 2018 Volkswagen Golf R Wolfsburg Wagon

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by [-Polo GTI-] View Post
    I agree I have seen some content that is questionable, but that particular thread/page will disappear in a matter of days never to be seen again.
    Don't worry. It is merely resting in a safe location ready to rise again and dominate the laughter.

    2010 Renault Clio RenaultSPORT 200 Cup 20th Anniversary Edition - #19 of 30 - The French Connection...
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  10. #40
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    I think the humour section is great...
    There have been some very kind of posts but i either dont read or voice my disgust! ...
    I do find it very humourous that there are alot of people on here saying things such as 'i dont read the humour section its a waste of time blahblah' yet you do a search and can clearly see that they have read it and have posted how much they enjoy reading such threads ...
    I think so long as when a complaint is made a thread is deleted that there shouldnt be an issue...
    and seriously if its too much trouble moderating dont be a moderator !!!

    Have a nice day

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