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Thread: Your place?

  1. #1
    peterjack Guest

    Your place?

    This forum used to be so active! Where's everyone gone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Probably same as UK Passats Doing other things Forums always wax and wane depending on the time of the year etc
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Albury, NSW Australia
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    I blame facebook.
    79 MK1 GLD
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
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    I know what you mean, it did used to be really active. Ive heard that its moved to Facebook, so i joined a few of those groups but they were pretty average and not as easy to read as forums, or search for info later.
    2016 MY17 Polo GTI with DA package. TMD fitted + Weather strip and Snow Screen removed otherwise dead standard.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    As I get older I have less time for forums and I don't even use Facebook. Younger people seem to spend so much time liking things in Facebook they don't have time for forums IMO. I'm 41.

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    2015 Polo GTI & 2019 Golf R

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    I can understand the moderators need to delete some posts as the one you were referring to was getting a bit out of hand , I had made a couple of comments on the original but refrained after a while because the nature of replies from various other posters was getting a bit heated . Rules are posted on the Forum Rules section so I suppose the post may have breached the tolerance level.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by frantic View Post
    Well I started a thread about our multivan a dsg issues, but that got deleted. So if your posts are negative or create discussion that may highlight an issue in a moderators opinion that could be effecting "resale" they may be deleted. Ignore the fact that we had just spoken to 12 seperate valuers at dealerships(including 2 with VW under their multi franchise names)across Sydney who all said the same thing, a thread on here WILL have far more impact! ��
    So if you want "discussion" you need a few different viewpoints! Otherwise it becomes a forum filled with 2 post threads with " my vw's lovely" ,,,, " yes it is" . Next thread ;
    my issue is . Delete.
    VW admitted xyz, doesn't apply here delete.
    Don't my wheels look purrtttyy , yes they do.
    Repeating yourself and posting the same complaint in many sections of the forum is not acceptable. If you need to vent your anger with whatever issue you have on your car then believe me, many here don't want to read it in long whining posts that are repeated on daily basis.
    Last edited by Transporter; 29-07-2017 at 10:09 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sssstew View Post
    I know what you mean, it did used to be really active. Ive heard that its moved to Facebook, so i joined a few of those groups but they were pretty average and not as easy to read as forums, or search for info later.
    That pretty much covers my view of it all. I live in many different places across the web and while Facebook is great for events and sharing photos everything is pretty much lost after a week. I've seen plenty of build "threads" on facebook which are great to watch as they flash by... but no one who isn't there at the time is likely to ever seen it again unlike a forum where years later people can draw inspiration! (of course I'm bias, but that doesn't make me wrong )

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Indeed so Hawk

    I am modding my new car and have got so much helpful tips from the posters here as well as looking at older posts sometimes years old

    Facebook is so fleeting i gave up on it

    Hopefully someone will use one of my posts years later to inspire them for their project

    Keep posting everyone
    2017 Golf Alltrack 135tdi All options
    19 inch Brescia Wheels Golf R brakes front and rear
    Calipers painted Candy apple gold
    New rear sway bar and linkages

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    This exactly. Although i have now sold my VW's and moved to another brand, i still look on here almost daily as its a good community and i help here and there where i can as i learned alot about VW's during my ownership.

    I have done multiple build threads and DIY type threads since i joined this forum in 2011 - sharing my feedback and experiences etc. even to this day i get the odd PM from someone who has been looking at one of my build threads and wants to ask me something.....that doesnt happen with facebook.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kachingg View Post
    Indeed so Hawk

    I am modding my new car and have got so much helpful tips from the posters here as well as looking at older posts sometimes years old

    Facebook is so fleeting i gave up on it

    Hopefully someone will use one of my posts years later to inspire them for their project

    Keep posting everyone
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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