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Thread: Youi Insurance - any feedback ?

  1. #1
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    Youi Insurance - any feedback ?

    I just got few comprehensive insurance quotes :-

    Youi - $495
    NRMA - $989

    It's a massive difference, the only worry (according to Youi's PDS) is I can not choose my own repairer. Are anyone here insured with Youi ? did you have any issue with them ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    They are very eager to get your money.

    I did a quote with them for my seldom used Jackaroo, started at a nice sounding $330, but by the time I put back the things that were needed (such as another driver being covered, essential when off-roading) it was back to within a few dollars of my normal AAMI premium of $500ish.

    I wonder if they are just as eager to pay out, or whether they will nit-pick for the tiniest loophole to avoid a claim.

    I decided not to find out and went with AAMI again.

    Edit: Their "Market Value" was also $4000 LESS than AAMI for a total loss situation.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerhard View Post
    Edit: Their "Market Value" was also $4000 LESS than AAMI for a total loss situation.
    Do you know any real case as such, Gerhard ? otherwise how do you know what's the market value without a real claim was involved.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedMk2Gti View Post
    Do you know any real case as such, Gerhard ? otherwise how do you know what's the market value without a real claim was involved.
    You know the market value because you ask them the question "what is the market value according to Youi?" They will tell you what it is, but of course if when you claim it is evident your car is a heap of crap, it will have a lesser value than a car of "normal" condition for age.

    2008 Blue Graphite GTI DSG with Latte leather. SOLD 4/9/2024

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  5. #5
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    They won't insure me. Car is too awesome.
    Love how they go on about how they ask questions and find out how you use your car, I barely got into it before they said no (too many improvements).
    It seems to me that who they are really catering for and looking to get as customers is the city office worker. Ie. Car is only driven to the train station and is only used on weekends and to go to the shops.
    Oh well much there are much better and more specialised insurers out there.

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  6. #6
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    It's a 'go' for me.

    Youi agreed value $10000, premium $495.
    AAMI only insure for $6600 for $599.00 if I want agreed value.

    I know it may be fun when I need claim but let's see. For up front money it's clear who'll get business.

  7. #7
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    No go for me.

    The website doesn't even come up, I won't even bother.

  8. #8
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    Ring Shannons Eric.

    Insure your classic car at agreed value and get cheap prices on your daily, including windscreen cover, agreed value and choice of repairer.

    And its CHEAP!!!!
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I've been recently doing the insurance quoting rounds for a V5 Bora, and Youi came up to be one of the more expensive companies, at close to $1450. Post code is Bathurst, record is good and I drive 8mins to work, car is garaged and no claims, though im 27 years old.

    Youi called me today to follow up and I told them my story, and the only reason given for the higher price was that I was a single male

    AAMI came up cheap at around $920, just cars not far behind at $950, BINGLE was $790.00 with agreed value of $13400, and the cheapest of the lot was ALLIANZ in the low $700.00 mark. Suncorp was around the $3k mark lol

  10. #10
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    I used to be with shannons but my "dangerous driving" (read speeding) charge meant I had to go elsewhere. Been with SGIC and they are great when it comes to sorting claims asap.

    My mate just insured his 5 series after I recommended them and they also were cheapest quote he had. The only downside is I'm not sure you get to choose repairer.

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