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Thread: For you networking geeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    For you networking geeks

    Lately I have been pissed off at my house mate, he has been abusing the internet D/L limit. I may soon have another house mate once my sister fly overseas again.

    So is there such software where I can "monitor & control" their usage individually?

    I was hoping I can cap it and charge them $5-10 bucks a Gig over the limit. I would not consider Unlimited d/l option. Than the electricity bill will sky rocket!!!

    I have had enough of "sorry I didn't realise", and sick of being the nice guy. I use probably 10G of 60G monthly limit, and throttling mid way through the month. !!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Just tell them your limit is 40GB so they wont download as much porn

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Five Dock, Sydney
    Turn off the modem when your not home ?!
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Southside, South Australia
    NetLimiter is one option, but I think you need it installed on each computer.

    If you have a wireless router that each computer connects to, to access the net then it's a little bit harder if you dont want to install software on each PC.

    Depending on your modem you may be able to upgrade the firmware to add this functionality - for example I have a Linksys installing OpenWRT you can add shaping features to control bandwidth right at the modem.

    You can also get proxy software with bandwidth control/shaping and install it on your PC. You would then have to setup rules on your router to deny internet access for all PC's except the proxy PC - then all other computers would need to add the proxy into their browser settings and your PC would act as a proxy server, monitoring their usage. Here is one example of such a product:

    The modified modem is the best option, but not always available.

    The other option, which isnt really going to do what you want, but will place some restrictions on users....if you have a modem that supports QoS you could look at rate limiting certain types of traffic, so users wont be able to download at full speed - just set torrent and other P2P traffic to a much lower download speed
    Last edited by Gravey; 13-10-2009 at 01:39 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    an option i always liked is a linux box like esmith/smoothwall but thats only if u have an old box at home. Another option look at www.dd-wrt.og and see if your router is compatiable it may have options your looking for.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Southside, South Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by jasn78 View Post
    an option i always liked is a linux box like esmith/smoothwall but thats only if u have an old box at home. Another option look at www.dd-wrt.og and see if your router is compatiable it may have options your looking for.
    yeah was gonna mention linux/squid add-ons, but it's a little bit geeky and can be difficult to setup for the inexperienced...there are quite a few free options for windows though, although the free windows stuff aint as good as the free linux stuff

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thread Starter
    I will be trailing few programs, for now the bandwith controller seems to be the software I am looking for.

    As long as I have a software that shows me the usage of A,B,C,D I will be happy.

    Thanks Guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ermington, Sydney
    Louis, why don't you just warn him that if it happens again you'll just be handing the internet bills to him?

    That worked with a friend's brother...they both shared one internet and the brother used to download all sorts of games and stuff and would cap the internet in the first week of the new month! So they said to him you're no longer allowed to have your own internet unless you pay for what you use because you hog he pays per month for his own internet now lol.

    Unfortunately there's only so much you can do before you have to confront someone and shove the consequences their way.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Even easier - don't provide them with internet access at all.

    Configure your router with a password and then block all mac addresses except your own. Make sure they don't know the PPOE password, or they'll just slap on their own cheap modem when you're not there.

    Make them get their own wireless broadband and pay for it themselves. That way you will not be legally responsible for what they download either.

    If one of them uses your connection to download child pornography, for example, you'll be in gaol before the finger gets pointed at the real culprit.

    Force them to use their own account, it's the only way.

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  10. #10
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