Yep- 2 aggressive drivers both doing the wrong thing in this scenario:stupid:
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Yep- 2 aggressive drivers both doing the wrong thing in this scenario:stupid:
jees, could i give you some stories then.
I live in the city and do my fair share of driving, it never ends.
And you are definitely right about the P Platers, usually some "Bro" lil punkass trying to be 'Cool'.
3 Days ago in Sydney's West i had a p plater who merged in front of me to which i gave way (normally i wont, lets be honest haha). after he did about couple hundred metres later he slammed the brakes on me and threw his arm up??!$# wtf! .. To tired to car as it was late i was like 'yeah whatever' .. turned into two lanes, indicated and moved over and he swerved at me completely into my lane?! .... Unfortunately from there information is classified as seems that a S3 is slightly quicker then a Mazda 3 and you should be careful to whom you annoy for no apparent reason on our roads. (No road rage just suave moves!).
We live in a country with no road education, bad & dangerous roads with poor sign-age and too many over eager f**ktards these days unfortunately!
Im sure any of you who have travelled Europe can see the difference between our drivers and theirs.
Let alone even Asian countries are better then us!
Drive in Asia and driving in the worst traffic in Sydney will never bother you again.
Also, getting stressed inhibits muscle growth. More muscle on the body, means faster metabolism. Less muscle, more fat. :)
Anyway, there's worse things happening in the world than people zig zagging on the road.
agreed there needs to be better road education in Australia.
I think some of it has to do wit the car you drive though, my mate was always getting people trying to race him in his mini cooper S and now has a BMW 1 series coupe its even worse (he actually says a LOT of R32's try to race him)
weird never had a R32 try and race my 93 clipper convertible :cool:
wouldn't actually be a race though - its slow as BRO!
Some dude kicked my car, put a massive shoe shaped dent in the fender. Since then I've kept a trolley bar in the car. I'm not about to jump out and attack people, but it's piece of mind.
Any money the P-plater your parents encountered were from Bankstown UWS. I've got a class there this semester and have noticed a lot of careless drivers, P-plated or not. You can't beat these guys, just have to take it slow and let them pass.
I recently bought a 32mm spanner for my tie-rods. Now it's just sitting in my garage looking pretty. Hmm!
This why I keep the big mag light and Glock in the glove box. Na just kidding about the Glock. Sure is some dangerous people out on the roads and you never know what they might pull on you.
I agree completely, I was in last week Sri Lanka and the road conditions there are crazy (amount of traffic, mixture of cars/bikes/trishaws/foot traffic and dogs on the worst road surfaces), but one thing is for sure: people there push and shove all over the shop and no one I saw in my time there got atressed at all, just had patience and no anger! They also have amazing spacial awareness, much better than most people here seem to have.
This stuff happens everywhere, almost on a weekly basis sometimes.