i have one child nearing 4 and have an 08 jetta. It is really good with the boot size and can fit heaps into it... we used a moutain buggy pram that folds down only (does not go thinner) and this thing fits in really easy. We have had 3 adults and our daughter (when she was 2) and full luggage for a week away and it all fit in the boot.
We also have a Tiguan that i have yet to try and load up the hatch area but it definitely wont fit the pram in there. We are heading away next month up north and taking the tiguan so it will be interesting to see how much stuff will fit.
Tiguan is also a great car... really nice to drive etc and comfortable as..
1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro